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or keyword with example in Python

Python or keyword: Here, we are going to learn about the or keyword with example.
Submitted by IncludeHelp, on April 12, 2019

Python or keyword

or is a keyword (case-sensitive) in python, it is a logical operator actually, it is used to validate more than one conditions. It is similar to Logical OR (||) operator in C, C++ programming. It requires a minimum of two conditions and returns True – if one or more condition(s) is/are True.

Truth table for "or" keyword/operator

Condition1	Condition2	(Condition1 or Condition2)
True		True		True 
True 		False		True
False		True		True
False 		False		False

Syntax of or keyword/operator:

    condition1 or condition2


    a = 10
    b = 20

    # conditions
    print(a>=10 or b>=20)
    print(a>10 or b>20)


Python examples of or operator

Example1: Take two numbers and test the conditions using or operator

# python code to demonstrate example of
# or  keyword/operator

a = 10
b = 20

# printing return values
print(a>=10 or b>=20)
print(a>10 or b>20)
print(a==10 or b==20)
print(a==10 or b!=20)



Example 2: Input a number and check whether it is divisible by 2 or 3

# Input a number and check whether 
# it is divisible by 2 or 3

# input 
num = int(input("Enter a number: "))

# checking num is divisible by 2 or 3
if num%2==0 or num%3==0:
    print("Yes, ", num, " is divisble by 2 or 3")
    print("No, ", num, " is not divisble by 2 or 3")


First run:
Enter a number: 66
Yes,  66  is divisble by 2 or 3

Second run:
Enter a number: 5
No,  5  is not divisble by 2 or 3

Example 3: Input a string and check whether it is "Hello" or "World"

# Input a string and check 
# whether it is "Hello" or "World"

# input
string = input("Enter a string: ")

# checking the conditions
if string=="Hello" or string=="World":
    print("Yes, \"", string, "\" is either \"Hello\" or \"World\"")
    print("No, \"", string, "\" is neither \"Hello\" nor \"World\"")


First run:
Enter a string: Hello
Yes, " Hello " is either "Hello" or "World"

Second run:
Enter a string: World
Yes, " World " is either "Hello" or "World"

Third run:
Enter a string: IncludeHelp
No, " IncludeHelp " is neither "Hello" nor "World"

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