What is a diagonal formula of a rectangle?

79. What is a diagonal formula of a rectangle?

  1. D²= √(L²+W²)
  2. D²=L²*W²
  3. D²=L²+W²
  4. D²=L²/W²


The correct answer is: A) D²= √(L²+W²)


The diagonal formula of a rectangle can be determined using the Pythagorean theorem, which connects the sides of a right triangle to the length and width of the rectangle as "L" and "W", respectively. The Pythagorean theorem can be used to compute the diagonal "D" as follows:

D² = L² + W²

To calculate the length of the diagonal "D," multiply both sides of the equation by the square root:

D = √(L² + W²)

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