VB.Net Programs

This section contains VB.Net solved programs with explanations, outputs.

VB.Net Programs Index

VB.Net Basic Programs

  1. Program to print Hello World in VB.NET
  2. VB.Net program to demonstrate the difference between Console.Write() and Console.WriteLine() methods
  3. VB.Net program to print backslash (\) character on the console screen
  4. VB.Net program to convert a double number into an integer number
  5. VB.Net program to convert different types of variables into the string
  6. More Programs...

VB.Net Array Programs

  1. VB.Net program to demonstrate the integer array
  2. VB.Net program to calculate the sum of all elements of an integer array
  3. VB.Net program to find the largest element from the array of integers
  4. VB.Net program to find the EVEN numbers from the array of integers
  5. VB.Net program to find the second largest elements from the array of integers
  6. More Programs...

VB.Net String Programs

  1. VB.Net program to compare two strings
  2. VB.Net program to check a string is empty or not using IsNothing() function
  3. VB.Net program to check string contains a number or not
  4. VB.Net program to demonstrate the Join() method of String class
  5. VB.Net program to demonstrate the Compare() method of String class
  6. More Programs...

VB.Net User-defined Functions Programs

  1. VB.Net program to create a sub-routine to add two integer numbers
  2. VB.Net program to create a user-defined function to add two integer numbers
  3. VB.Net program to demonstrate the pass by value mechanism in user define sub-routine
  4. VB.Net program to demonstrate the pass by reference mechanism in user define sub-routine
  5. VB.Net program to demonstrate the optional parameter in the function
  6. More Programs...

VB.Net Date & Time Programs

  1. VB.Net program to compare two dates
  2. VB.Net program to print yesterday's date
  3. VB.Net program to print tomorrow's date
  4. VB.Net program to print the difference of two times
  5. VB.Net program to print the difference of two dates in days
  6. More Programs...

VB.Net Structure Programs

  1. VB.Net program to create a member function within the structure
  2. VB.Net program to the array of structures
  3. VB.Net program to create a constructor within the structure
  4. VB.Net program to demonstrate the structure within a structure
  5. More Programs...

VB.Net Namespaces Programs

  1. VB.Net program to create a user-defined namespace
  2. VB.Net program to create a user-defined namespace with structures
  3. VB.Net program to demonstrate the nested namespace
  4. VB.Net program to demonstrate the namespace with different complex types
  5. VB.Net program to create an alias of a namespace
  6. More Programs...

VB.Net Threading Programs

  1. VB.Net program to create a simple thread
  2. VB.Net program to create a thread pool
  3. VB.Net program to Pause a Thread
  4. VB.Net program to demonstrate the thread lock
  5. VB.Net program to kill a thread
  6. More Programs...

VB.Net Exception Handling Programs

  1. VB.Net program to demonstrate the IndexOutOfRangeException
  2. VB.Net program to demonstrate the DivideByZeroException
  3. VB.Net program to demonstrate the multiple catch blocks
  4. VB.Net program to demonstrate the StackOverflowException
  5. VB.Net program to demonstrate the NullReferenceException
  6. More Programs...

VB.Net File Handling Programs

  1. VB.Net program to write data into a text file
  2. VB.Net program to read data from a text file
  3. VB.Net program to append text into an already existing file
  4. VB.Net program to replace the content of one file with another file and create a backup file
  5. VB.Net program to delete a specified file
  6. More Programs...

VB.Net StringReader, StringWriter, Stream Programs

  1. VB.Net program to demonstrate StringReader class
  2. VB.Net program to demonstrate the StringWriter class
  3. VB.Net program to read all lines from a file using StreamReader class
  4. VB.Net program to read the content of a file character by character
  5. VB.Net program to demonstrate the MemoryStream class
  6. More Programs...

VB.Net BinaryReader and BinaryWriter Programs

  1. VB.Net program to demonstrate the BinaryReader and BinaryWriter class
  2. More Programs...

VB.Net Data Structure Programs

  1. VB.Net program to implement a stack
  2. VB.Net program to implement stack using structure
  3. VB.Net program to implement Double Stack
  4. VB.Net program to implement Double Stack using Structure
  5. More Programs...

VB.Net Socket Programs

  1. VB.Net program to implement socket server to accept client connections
  2. VB.Net program to implement socket client
  3. More Programs...

VB.Net LINQ Query Programs

  1. VB.Net program to demonstrate the LINQ Query
  2. VB.Net program to demonstrate the LINQ Query with OrderBy
  3. VB.Net program to demonstrate the LINQ Query to arrange array elements in descending order
  4. VB.Net program to demonstrate the Average extension
  5. VB.Net program to demonstrate the Sum() extension method
  6. More Programs...

VB.Net Database Connectivity Programs

  1. VB.Net program to get the MySQL version
  2. VB.Net program to create a database in MySql dynamically
  3. VB.Net program to create a table in MySql database dynamically
  4. VB.Net program to get the Mysql version using the 'Select' statement
  5. VB.Net program to drop a table from the MySql database dynamically
  6. More Programs...

VB.Net Miscellaneous Programs

  1. VB.Net program to read the list of available disk drives
  2. More Programs...

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