Java Mixed Topics Aptitude Questions and Answers.
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List of Java mixed topics Aptitude Questions and Answers

6) Which of the following is used to call the stored procedure from the database?
  1. Statement
  2. PreparedStatement
  3. CallableStatement
  4. None of these

7) Why serverSocket class is used in Java?
  1. For Client and Server Programming
  2. To manage Hosting Server
  3. Both 1 and 2
  4. None of these

8) Which of the following is not the method of serverSocket class?
  1. getInelAddress()
  2. getLocalPort()
  3. listenSocket()
  4. getOutputStream()

9) Which package is used for serverSocket class in java?
  1. java.server.*;

10) There is a method which defines the time out for server socket to wait for client accepts, which is the method?
  1. setSoketTimeout()
  2. setSoTimeout()
  3. setTimeout()
  4. setClientTimeout()

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