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typemin() and typemax() functions in Julia

Julia | typemin() and typemax() functions: In this tutorial, we are going to learn about the typemin() and typemax() functions with examples in Julia programming language.
Submitted by IncludeHelp, on March 28, 2020

Julia | typemin() and typemax() functions

typemin() and typemax() are the library functions of the Julia programming language and are used to get the minimum/smallest value and maximum/largest value of a given type (data type).



Here, T is the data type.


span style="color: #888888"># Julia example of
# typemin() and typemax() functions

println("typemin(Int8): ", typemin(Int8))
println("typemin(Int64): ", typemin(Int64))
println("typemin(Bool): ", typemin(Bool))
println("typemin(Float16): ", typemin(Float16))
println("typemin(Float32): ", typemin(Float32))
println("typemin(Float64): ", typemin(Float64))

println("typemax(Int8): ", typemax(Int8))
println("typemax(Int64): ", typemax(Int64))
println("typemax(Bool): ", typemax(Bool))
println("typemax(Float16): ", typemax(Float16))
println("typemax(Float32): ", typemax(Float32))
println("typemax(Float64): ", typemax(Float64))


typemin(Int8): -128
typemin(Int64): -9223372036854775808
typemin(Bool): false
typemin(Float16): -Inf
typemin(Float32): -Inf
typemin(Float64): -Inf
typemax(Int8): 127
typemax(Int64): 9223372036854775807
typemax(Bool): true
typemax(Float16): Inf
typemax(Float32): Inf
typemax(Float64): Inf

Reference: Julia Essentials

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