
Ruby program to demonstrate the bitwise right-shift (>>) operator

Ruby Example: Write a program to demonstrate the bitwise right-shift (>>) operator.
Submitted by Nidhi, on December 03, 2021

Problem Solution:

In this program, we are going to demonstrate the bitwise right-shift (>>) operator in the Ruby programming language.

Right shift (>>): The right shift operator (>>) shifts the first operand the specified number of bits to the right. Here, we will perform a bitwise right-shift (>>) operation between two variables and print the result.

Program/Source Code:

The source code to demonstrate the bitwise right-shift ">>" operator is given below. The given program is compiled and executed successfully.

# Ruby program to demonstrate the 
# bitwise right-shift ">>" operator

res =0

res = num1 >> num2;

print num1," >> ", num2," = ",res


16 >> 2 = 4


In the above program, we created three integer variables num1, num2, res that are initialized with 16, 2, 0 respectively. Then we performed a bitwise right shift operation using the ">>" operator and printed the result using the print() function.

Evolution of expression:

res = 16 >> 2
res = 16 / 22
res = 16 / 4
res = 4

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