
C# - Example of where() Method of List Collection using LINQ

Learn, how to find the list of students whose name starts with 'S' using where() method of List collection using Linq? By Nidhi Last updated : April 01, 2023

Here we will find the list of students whose name starts with 'S'. Here we will use the where() method. In the where() we will specify the condition to select student names starting with 'S'. To use where() method we need to import "System.Linq" and "System.Collections.Generic" namespaces.

C# program to find the list of students whose name starts with 'S' using where() method of List collection using LINQ

The source code to find the list of students whose name starts with 'S', is given below. The given program is compiled and executed successfully on Microsoft Visual Studio.

//C# program to find a list of students whose name starts 
//with 'S' using Where() method of List collection using Linq.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

class Demo {
  static void Main(string[] args) {
    List < string > Students = new List < string > ();


    IEnumerable < string > result = Students.Where(stu => stu[0] == 'S');

    Console.WriteLine("Student Names start with 'S':");
    foreach(string name in result) {


Student Names start with 'S':
Press any key to continue . . .


In the above program, we created a list and then add student names to the using Add() method.

IEnumerable<string> result = Students.Where(stu=>stu[0]=='S');

In the above code, where() method is used to select student according to a specified condition. Here we find the students whose name starts with 'S'.

Console.WriteLine("Student Names start with 'S':");
foreach (string name in result)

Here we printed the select student name using the "foreach" on the console screen.

C# LINQ Programs »

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