C# program to overload Equal To (==) and Not Equal To (!=) operators

In this C# program, we are going to learn to overload relational operators like Equal To (==) and Not Equal To (!=). Here is an example with the output.
Submitted by IncludeHelp, on March 18, 2018

Problem statement

Write a C# program to overload Equal To (==) and Not Equal To (!=) operators.

Program to overload Equal To (==) and Not Equal To (!=) operators in C#

If we overload Equal To (==) operator then we must overload Not Equal To (!=) operator. Here, in this program, we will create a sample class with data member X. Assign value using Set() method.

using System;
using System.Collections;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Sample
        private int X;
        public Sample()
            X = 0;

        public void Set(int v)
            X = v;
        public static bool operator==(Sample S1, Sample S2)
            return (S1.X==S2.X);

        public static bool operator !=(Sample S1, Sample S2)
            return (S1.X != S2.X);

    class Program
        static void Main()
            Sample S1 = new Sample();
            Sample S2 = new Sample();




In this program, we took two object of sample class. And here we overloaded both "Equal To" == and "Not Equal To" != operators. And both overloaded methods are returning Boolean value on the basis of == and != operators.

C# Operator Overloading Programs »

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