Rust program to check a number contain the alternative pattern of bits

Here, we are going to learn how to check a number contain the alternative pattern of bits in Rust programming language?
Submitted by Nidhi, on September 25, 2021

Problem Solution:

Here, we will create a 16-bit integer number and then we will check the number contains the alternate pattern of bits or not.

Program/Source Code:

The source code to check a number contain the alternative pattern of bits is given below. The given program is compiled and executed successfully.

// Rust program to check a number contain 
// the alternative pattern of bits

fn main() {
    let mut num:i16 = 10;
    let mut val:i16 = 0;
    let mut cnt:i16 = 0;
    let mut flg:i16 = 0;
    let mut tmp:i16 = 0;
    let mut tmp1:i16 = 0;
    let mut tmp2:i16 = 0;
    println!("Decimal Number: {}",num);
    println!("Binary Number: {:#02b}",num);
    tmp = num;
    while tmp>0 {
        tmp = tmp >> 1;
    while val< cnt-1
        tmp1 = (num >> val) & 1;
        tmp2 = (num >> (val + 2)) & 1;
        if tmp1== tmp2
            val = val + 1;
    if flg==1
        println!("Alternate BIT pattern does not exist");
        println!("Alternate BIT pattern exists");


Decimal Number: 10
Binary Number: 0b1010
Alternate BIT pattern exists


Here, we created an integer variable num with an initial value of 10. Then we checked the given number contains the alternat pattern of bits and printed the appropriate message.

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