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Swift Array Programs
In Swift programming language, there are three types of primary collections known as arrays, sets, and dictionaries, that are used to store the collections of the values. Swift Arrays are one of the most commonly used data types which are ordered collections of values.
Swift programming language makes it easy to create arrays using an array literal: simply surround a comma-separated list of values with square brackets.
This section contains solved Swift array programs, practice these Swift array programs to learn the concept of arrays, etc., these programs contain the solved code, outputs, and the detailed explanation of the statements, functions used in the Swift array programs.
List of Swift Array Programs
- Swift program to create an array
- Swift program to add elements into the array
- Swift program to insert an element at a specific position in the array
- Swift program to modify array elements
- Swift program to remove an item from an array based on an index
- Swift program to remove the first item from an array
- Swift program to remove the last item from an array
- Swift program to remove all items from an array
- Swift program to print the length of the array
- Swift program to sort an integer array in ascending order
- Swift program to sort an integer array in descending order
- Swift program to reverse an integer array
- Swift program to shuffle array elements
- Swift program to check an array contains a specified item
- Swift program to check an array is empty or not
- Swift program to swap array elements using swapAt() function
- Swift program to access array elements using forEach() function
- Swift program to create an array with mixed data elements
- Swift program to check all array elements satisfy a condition
- Swift program to demonstrate the use of the enumerated() function
- Swift program to create a two-dimensional array
- Swift program to create a jagged array
- Swift program to create a two-dimensional array using the append() function
- Swift program to create a three-dimensional array