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Django | How to create first Web Application?

Django | First Web Application: Here, we are going to learn how to create first web application in Django? Also learn how to install, setup the environment?
Submitted by Pankaj Singh, on October 12, 2018


  1. Python 3.x/2.x
  2. PyCharm [Professional Edition]2017/2018
  3. Django 1.9/2.x
  4. Virtualenv [Virtual Environment]

Python Installation

Step 1: Open browser https://www.python.org/downloads/in and download Python Installer [Python 3.4.4]

Step 2: Double-Click on Installer and follow the steps.

Step 3: Check whether python is installed on your system or not. For this open "cmd" and type python –version

Django Installation 1

PyCharm Installation

Step 1: Open https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/download/#section=windows in browser and download Pycharm Professional Edition.

Note: Django Project template is not available in Pycharm Community Edition

Step 2: Double-Click on Installer and follow the steps.

Django Installation

Step 1: For this open Command Prompt (cmd) and type pip install Django==1.9

Django Installation 2

Virtualenv [Virtual Environment] Installation

Step 1: For this open Command Prompt (cmd)and type pip install virtualenv

Django Installation 3

There are two different approach to create Django Sample App

1. Using CLI

Step 1: Open Command Prompt (cmd)

Step 2: Navigate to your Workspace (Location where we want to put our sample app) [C:\Users\phloe\Desktop\IncludeHelp\Articles\Django\Sample App Creation]

Django Installation 4

Step 3: Create a Sandbox [Virtual Environment]

Django Installation 5

Step 4: Activate the sandbox

Django Installation 6

Step 5: Install Django inside Sandbox

Django Installation 7

Step 6: Create a Django Project

Django Installation 8

Step 6: Navigate inside Sample App. This App contains

  1. Admin Module (It have same name as project name i.e. sample)
  2. Manage.py
Django Installation 9

Step 7: Run the sample app.

Django Installation 10

Step 8: Open browser and navigate to

Django Installation 11

2. Using IDE

Step 1: Open PyCharm Professional Edition

Django Installation 12

Step 2: Create New Project

Django Installation 13

Django Installation 14

Django Installation 15

Step 3: Select your project in Project Explorer.

Django Installation 16

Step 4: Open Manage Task Console from Tools Menu

Django Installation 17

Django Installation 18

Step 5: Type following command to run app runserver 4600

Django Installation 19

Step 6: Open browser and navigate to

Django Installation 20

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