Python | Passing string value to the function

Here, we will learn by example, how to pass the strong value to the function in Python?
By IncludeHelp Last updated : December 20, 2023

Problem statement

We have to define a function that will accept string argument and print it. Here, we will learn how to pass string value to the function?


Consider the below example without sample input and output:

str = "Hello world"

Function call:

"Hello world"

Python program to pass a string to the function

# Python program to pass a string to the function

# function definition: it will accept
# a string parameter and print it
def printMsg(str):
    # printing the parameter

# Main code
# function calls
printMsg("Hello world!")
printMsg("Hi! I am good.")


Hello world!
Hi! I am good.

Python function to accept a string and return total number of vowels

Write function that will accept a string and return total number of vowels

# function definition: it will accept
# a string parameter and return number of vowels
def countVowels(str):
    count = 0
    for ch in str:
        if ch in "aeiouAEIOU":
            count += 1
    return count

# Main code
# function calls
str = "Hello world!"
print('No. of vowels are {0} in "{1}"'.format(countVowels(str), str))

str = "Hi, I am good."
print('No. of vowels are {0} in "{1}"'.format(countVowels(str), str))


No. of vowels are 3 in "Hello world!"
No. of vowels are 5 in "Hi, I am good."

In the above examples, we have used the following Python topics that you should learn:

Python String Programs »


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