MCQ | Basics | Free and open-source software | Set 2

Here, we have a set of multiple-choice questions and answers (quiz) on basics of Free and open-source software. For any help, you can refer to the previous articles on the same topic. Submitted by Monika Sharma, on March 17, 2020

Q1. What is the Basic Requirement for a Software to be "Open and Free Standard"?

  1. No restrictions in acclimating executions
  2. Should be free of cost.
  3. No Restrictions on commercial use.
  4. No Restriction on further modification.

Answer: a. No restrictions in acclimating executions


An "Open and Free Standard" must not restrict acclimating executions in Open and Free Software. For more refer to the article "Benefits of Community-based Software Development, Requirements for being Open, Free Software".

Q2. Which of the criteria restricts the interoperable usage of a "FREE AND OPEN STANDARD SOFTWARE"?

  1. Availability
  2. Patents
  3. No Agreements
  4. No intentional secrets

Answer: d. No Intentional Secrets


The standard MUST NOT retain any detail important for interoperable usage. As imperfections are inescapable, the standard MUST characterize a procedure for fixing blemishes recognized during usage and interoperability testing and to fuse said changes into an overhauled form of overriding rendition of the standard to be discharged under terms that don't abuse the OSR.

Q3. Which of the Freedoms gives the user the right to distribute the copies of a software?

  1. Freedom 0
  2. Freedom 1
  3. Freedom 2
  4. Freedom 3

Answer: c. Freedom 2


This says that the user has the right to redistribute the copies of the software to help out others that may require the same.

Q4. Which of the Freedoms gives the user the right to use the software according to his/her needs?

  1. Freedom 0
  2. Freedom 1
  3. Freedom 2
  4. Freedom 3

Answer: a. Freedom 0


Advantages of community-based program development incorporate picking up knowledge into the social setting of an issue or issue, shared learning encounters among shoppers and suppliers, expanding comprehension of expert jobs and obligations inside the community, association with experts from different orders, and open doors for community-based participatory research projects.

Q5. Which of the Freedoms gives the user the right to study the working of the software and allows user to change it accordingly?

  1. Freedom 0
  2. Freedom 1
  3. Freedom 2
  4. Freedom 3

Answer: b. Freedom 1


This says that the user can study the working of the software and make changes to meet his/her requirements to have the desired results. Here to make changes to a program, having its source code is a precondition.

Q6. Which of the Freedoms gives the user the right to distribute the modified versions of the software and also is an extension of Freedom 2?

  1. Freedom 0
  2. Freedom 1
  3. Freedom 2
  4. Freedom 3

Answer: d. Freedom 3


This is an extended version of Freedom 2 which says that the user can also provide others with the copies of the software in which they’ve made modifications by doing this the developer allows the community an opportunity to benefit from his/her changes. Also, having its source code is a precondition here as well.

Q7. There are legal considerations when it comes to using / modifying / redistributing FOSS?

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: a. True


All together for all the 4 freedoms to be genuine, they should be perpetual and irreversible as long as you don't do anything incorrectly; if the developer of the software can renounce the permit, or retroactively add confinements to its terms, without you doing anything incorrectly to give cause, the software isn't free.

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