
Java Programs

Java Practice


Java program to create a HashSet with different types of items

Java example to create a HashSet with different types of items.
Submitted by Nidhi, on May 08, 2022

Problem statement

In this program, we will create a set using the HashSet collection to store the different types of data elements and print the created collection.

Java program to create a HashSet with different types of items

The source code to create a HashSet with different types of items is given below. The given program is compiled and executed successfully.

// Java program to create a HashSet with 
// different types of items

import java.util.*;

public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {

    HashSet nums = new HashSet();




[2, 3.14, One, true]


In the above program, we imported the "java.util.*" package to use the HashSet collection.Here, we created a public class Main that contains a main() method.

The main() method is the entry point for the program. And, we created a set nums to store different types of data elements using the HashSet collection and printed the created collection.

Java HashSet Programs »

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