
Java Programs

Java Practice

How to calculate length of the string using String.length() method in Java?

String.length() method in Java: Here, we will learn how to calculate/get the length of the string using String.length() in Java?

Given a string and we have to get the length of the string using String.length() method in Java?


It is a predefined (built-in) method of String class in Java; it returns length of the string.

Consider the program:

import java.lang.*;

public class JavaStringLengthPrg
	public static void main(String []args)
		int len=0;

		/*create string object*/
		String str="includehelp.com";
		//getting length of the string
		len = str.length();
		//printing length
		System.out.println("String Length is = "+ len);


String Length is = 15

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