Scala Boolean Data Type

In this tutorial, we will learn about the Boolean data types in Scala with examples. By Shivang Yadav Last updated : April 02, 2023


A Boolean is a data type in Scala programming language (and another programming also), that is used or Boolean algebra. It has two valid values i.e. true and false.

  • We declare it using the var keyword, with optional data type specified as Boolean.
  • The default value for this data type is false.
  • Also, for the compiler, the true value is treated as 1 and false is treated as 0.
  • The size of the Boolean datatype is 1 bit.
  • Boolean values are used to check for checking conditions of conditional statements, loops, etc.

Syntax to declare a Boolean variable

//Syntax with data type 
var bool : Boolean = true; 
//Syntax without data type
var a = false;

When we don't specify the data type explicitly the compiler assigns the variable data type based on the value.

Scala Example of Boolean Data Type

object MyClass {
    def add(x:Int, y:Int) = x + y;
    def main(args: Array[String]) {
        var bool = true; 
        var a : Boolean = false
            println("the value of the bool variable is true");
            println("the value of the a variable is true")
            println("the value of the a variable is false");
        bool = false //this is also possible 


the value of the bool variable is true
the value of the a variable is false

Code Logic

The code is to show the use of a Boolean variable. There are two boolean variables defined a and bool. bool is created without specifying the data type and a is created with data type and two if statements check for their value that leads to the generation of output.

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