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Scala Composition Function
Composition function in Scala: Composition of function is the way of using multiple functions to do some work. In this tutorial on Scala composition function, we will learn about composition function with examples.
Submitted by Shivang Yadav, on September 27, 2019
Composition function in Scala
Scala composition function is a way in which functions are composed in program i.e. mixing of more than one functions to extract some results. In Scala programming language, there are multiple ways to define the composition of a function. They are,
- Using compose Keyword
- Using andthen Keyword
- Passing method to method
1) Scala composition function using Compose Keyword
The compose keyword in Scala is valid for methods that are defined using "val" keyword.
(method1 compose method2)(parameter)
object MyObject
def main(args: Array[String])
println("The percentage is "+(div compose mul)(435))
val mul=(a: Int)=> {
a * 100
val div=(a: Int) =>{
a / 500
The percentage is 87
2) Scala composition function using andThen Keyword
Another composition keyword that works on function defined using val keyword function is andThen.
(method1 andThen method2)(parameter)
object myObject
def main(args: Array[String])
println("The percentage is "+(mul andThen div)(435))
val mul=(a: Int)=> {
a * 100
val div=(a: Int) =>{
a / 500
The percentage is 87
3) Scala composition function using method to method
One more way to declaring composition function in Scala is passing a method as a parameter to another method.
object myObject
def main(args: Array[String])
println("The percentage is "+ ( div(mul(456)) ))
val mul=(a: Int)=> {
a * 100
val div=(a: Int) =>{
a / 500
The percentage is 91