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Character Constant in C language

C language character constants: In this tutorial, we are going to learn about the character constants with their declarations, printing in C programming language.
Submitted by IncludeHelp, on September 08, 2018

What is a Character Constant?

Any character (a single character) that is enclosed within the single quotes (like, 'A') is called character constants in C programming language.

Character constants contain:

  • Any uppercase alphabet
  • Any lowercase alphabet
  • A space
  • A digit
  • Any special character

Character constant Declaration in C

A character constant is declared by using const keyword.


    const char constant_name = 'value';

Example of a character constant in C

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) 
	const char1 = 'A';      //uppercase alphabet
	const char2 = 'X';      //uppercase alphabet 
	const char3 = 'a';      //lowercase alphabet
	const char4 = 'x';      //lowercase alphabet
	const char5 = '5';      //a digit
	const char6 = '#';      //a special character 
	const char7 = ' ';      //a space 

	//print values
	printf("char1 = %c\n", char1);
	printf("char2 = %c\n", char2);
	printf("char3 = %c\n", char3);
	printf("char4 = %c\n", char4);
	printf("char5 = %c\n", char5);
	printf("char6 = %c\n", char5);
	printf("char7 = %c\n", char7);

	return 0;


char1 = A
char2 = X
char3 = a
char4 = x
char5 = 5
char6 = 5
char7 =  

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