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Printing float values with fixed number of decimal places through cout in C++

Here, we will learn how to print float value with fixed number of decimal places using cout in C++ program?

Printing float values with fixed number of decimal places

cout prints a floating pointer number with a maximum of 6 decimal places (some compilers may print 5 decimal places) by default (without trailing zeros).

Example of printing float values with fixed number of decimal places

Consider the give statement

int main()
	float x=10.38989445f;

	return 0;

The output would be 10.3899

How to print float numbers with fixed number of decimal places?

We can print float numbers with fixed number of decimal places using std::fixed and std::setprecision, these are the manipulators, which are defined in the iomanip header file.

Syntax of setprecision

std::setprecision(int n)

Here, n is the number of digits after the decimal point (number of decimal places)

Read more: std::setprecision


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

int main()
	float x=10.3445f;
	return 0;



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