Kotlin Array Programs (Examples)

This section contains solved array programs in Kotlin programming language with explanations, outputs.

List of Kotlin Array Programs (Examples)

  1. Kotlin program to convert character array to string
  2. Kotlin program to convert string to character array
  3. Kotlin program to find sum and average of array elements
  4. Kotlin program to concatenate two integer arrays
  5. Kotlin program to sort an array in ascending order
  6. Kotlin program to sort an array in descending order
  7. Kotlin program to read, traverse, reverse and sort string array
  8. Kotlin program to find largest element in an array
  9. Kotlin program to find smallest element in an array
  10. Kotlin program to check if an array contains a given value
  11. Kotlin program to add two matrices
  12. Kotlin program to subtract two matrices
  13. Kotlin program to check whether two matrices are identical or not
  14. Kotlin program to check Identity Matrix
  15. Kotlin program to print lower triangular of a matrix
  16. Kotlin program to find frequencies of even and odd numbers in a matrix
  17. Kotlin program to multiply two matrices
  18. Kotlin program to check sparse matrix
  19. Kotlin program to find the sum of each row and each column of a matrix
  20. Kotlin program to find transpose of a matrix
  21. Kotlin program to print upper triangular matrix

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