PHP Tutorial

PHP Examples

PHP Practice


PHP program to demonstrate the final keyword

Here, we are going to demonstrate the final keyword in PHP.
Submitted by Nidhi, on November 21, 2020 [Last updated : March 13, 2023]

Final Keyword Example

Here, will create a class that contains a final method Method(), and as we know that we cannot override a final method, that's why it will generate a syntax error.

PHP code to demonstrate the example of final keyword

The source code to demonstrate the final keyword is given below. The given program is compiled and executed successfully.

//PHP program to demonstrate the final keyword.
class ParentClass
    final public function Method()
        printf("Parent::Method() called<br>");
class Child extends ParentClass
    final public function Method()
        printf("Child::Method() called<br>");

$ChildObj = new Child();


PHP Fatal error:  Cannot override final method ParentClass::Method() 
in /home/main.php on line 16


In the above program, we created a class that ParentClass that contains a method, which is declared as final, and then we inherited the ParentClass into Child class and override the method, but as we know that we cannot override a final method, that's why above program will generate a syntax error.

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