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C++ program to demonstrate use of Scope Resolution Operator

Learn about the Scope Resolution Operator (SRO) in C++ with examples.
[Last updated : March 01, 2023]

Scope Resolution Operator in C++

Scope Resolution Operator, generally known as SRO (::) is used to access the hidden names so that you can still use them. It's a unary operator and is able to access the hidden members of a namespace scope or global scope by an explicit declaration of the same name in a block or class.

Scope Resolution Operator Example in C++

In this example you will learn how to use SRO (Scope Resolution Operator) in c++ programming language, this is the operator using this operator we can access global values of the program.

/*C++ program to demonstrate use of Scope Resolution Operator,
Use global variable in local scope*/
#include  <iostream>
using namespace std;
int a = 20;
int main()
    int a = 10;
    cout << "Value of local  a: " << a << endl;
    //use of SRO (::) to access global variable.
    cout << "Value of global a: " << ::a << endl;
    return 0;


Value of local  a: 10
Value of global a: 20

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