
Articles, Tutorials on Nanotechnology

This section contains tutorials, articles on latest topics of Nanotechnology and related technologies.

  1. Role of Nanotechnology in RF Communication.
    Learn: What is Nanotechnology and RF Communication, what are the roles of Nanotechnology in RF Communication?
  2. Graphene and It's properties.
    Learn: What is Graphene and its properties: Graphene which is a one-atom-thick layer of carbon atoms, has recently attracted great interest among physicists and engineers.
  3. Graphene Fabricated Devices.
    This article is based on Graphene, here we will learn about the Graphene Fabricated Devices.
  4. Characteristics of Nanonetworks.
    In the Paper titled “Channel Modeling and Capacity analysis for electromagnetic Wireless Nanonetworks in the Terahertz Band” by Joseph Miquel Jornet et al, the state of the art in molecular electronics is reviewed to motivate the study of the terahertz Band (0.1-10THz) for electromagnetic communication among nanodevices.
  5. Parameters of Terahertz Channel with Nanonetwork.
    Learn: Parameters of Terahertz channel with Nanonetwork like Power Allocation and Channel Capacity, Path Loss, noise etc.
  6. Components of CANET Nano-Node.
    In this topic various channel parameters and their analysis at Terahertz band will be discussed. Feasibility of nanonetworks will be presented. And hardware components of CANET nanonodes and carbon nanotube antennas, along with communication and networking issues will be the main point of discussion. At the end, the performance analysis on different parameters will be presented.
  7. Fundamental Networking Issues in CANETS.
    Application Example of CANETs: a nanoscale biosensor net-work (NBSN) to detect hazardous antigen concentration as an immune system support.
  8. Methods of Graphene Synthesis.
    In this article, we are going to learn about the methods of Graphene Synthesis that are Hummers method, Chemical Vapor deposition, Chemical Exfoliation of Graphene, Electrochemical Exfoliation.
  9. Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Approaches of Graphene Synthesis.
    In this article, we are going to discuss advantages and disadvantages of different approaches of Graphene Synthesis.
  10. Comparison between Liquid phase and Electrochemical Exfoliation of Graphite.
    In this article, we are going to learn about Comparison between Liquid phase and Electrochemical Exfoliation of Graphite.

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