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All posts from October 2017
Calculate difference between dates in PHP.
01 NOV 2017 by Abhishek Pathak
In this article, we will learn to calculate the difference between dates in PHP? Using the built-in function of PHP which converts a date in string to date format.
Create a forward and back buttons in JavaScript.
31 OCT 2017 by Abhishek Pathak
Navigation is an important part of a website. A website with easy navigation helps to improve user experience and visitors feel comfortable. In this article we will learn how to create a forward and back buttons in JavaScript?
Get the contents of a directory in PHP.
31 OCT 2017 by Abhishek Pathak
In this article, we will learn how to get contents of a directory in PHP? It can useful to check if file is already present in the directory or the number of contents in the directory.
Style alternate rows of a table with CSS.
31 OCT 2017 by Abhishek Pathak
In this article, we will learn how to style alternate rows of a table with CSS? Using CSS we can improve the user experience by styling alternate rows of a table different from other rows.
Java program to check Spy number.
29 OCT 2017 by IncludeHelp
A number is a Spy number, if sum and product of all digits are equal. In this java program, we are going to check whether a given number is SPY number or not?
Java programs
Java program to check Neon number.
29 OCT 2017 by IncludeHelp
A number is a Neon number, if sum of the digits of square of a number is equal to the number itself. In this java program, we are going to check whether a given number is Neon number or not?
Java programs
Change the perspective of an element in CSS.
27 OCT 2017 by Abhishek Pathak
In this article, we will learn how to change the perspective of an element in CSS? The perspective property defines how many pixels a 3D element is placed from the view.
Use custom fonts to webpage with CSS.
27 OCT 2017 by Abhishek Pathak
In this article, we will learn how to use custom fonts to webpage with CSS? Google fonts can be used to improve the appearance of the website.
How to parse number from string in JavaScript?
27 OCT 2017 by Abhishek Pathak
In this article, we will learn how to parse number from string in JavaScript? JavaScript has method for it, known as `parseInt()` and `parseFloat()` respectively to parse integer and float values from the string.
Java program to print patterns.
27 OCT 2017 by IncludeHelp
Here, you will find some of the java program, which are using to print different combinations of number patterns, programs are using user inputs and nested loops, all programs have their outputs.
Java programs
Setting Cookies in PHP.
26 OCT 2017 by Abhishek Pathak
In this article, we will learn how to set cookies in PHP and learn the basics of cookies?
Flip an image element using CSS.
24 OCT 2017 by Abhishek Pathak
In this article, we will learn how to flip an image using CSS techniques? It is achieved through a special property known as 'transform' which transforms the element. The transform property has a 'scale()' function, which will flip the image.
Change image shapes with CSS.
21 OCT 2017 by Abhishek Pathak
In this article, we will learn how to alter or change image shapes with CSS and display them on our webpage?
How to make a header with logo and search bar using html and CSS?
19 OCT 2017 by Prerna Saxena
Since, Html is used to describe the content and layout is provided by CSS. So, today we will learn how to make header of website using HTML and CSS. Header of any website contains a logo of company, menu of website, and search bar, signup and login buttons. But here we will see how we can make header using only company logo and search bar.
C# program to make a simple ATM machine.
18 OCT 2017 by Ridhima Agarwal
In this C# program, we are going to learn how to make a simple ATM based program with basic operations like check balance, withdraw money, deposit money, change PIN number etc?
How to convert a string to uppercase in PHP?
17 OCT 2017 by IncludeHelp
In this PHP example, we are going to learn, how we can convert a string to uppercase? To convert string to uppercase, we use strtoupper() method which returns uppercase converted string.
Show captions on image hover using CSS.
16 OCT 2017 by Abhishek Pathak
In this article we will show captions on image hover using CSS. It a technique that improves the user interfaces and makes your website design more professional.
Creating Gradients with CSS3.
16 OCT 2017 by Abhishek Pathak
Learn how to create amazing gradients with CSS3 and use them in your webpage? No image and JavaScript, just pure CSS3.
Rotate fix an image on page with CSS.
13 OCT 2017 by Abhishek Pathak
In this article, we are going to learn about the rotation of the images using CSS? CSS turn them in the right direction and you will have a nice picture. No more cropping and straightening from other sources, because CSS will render it same across all devices.
How to make background image fit on screen using CSS?
13 OCT 2017 by Prerna Saxena
Since, in designing a website sometimes we need a banner image that fits on screen without any space around the image. And sometimes we need a section that filled with background image without any space around that section. So, in this we will learn how we can make background image fit on screen.
List Operations in Python - II.
12 OCT 2017 by Abhishek Jain
Learn: In this article, we will going to discuss about various list operations as updating, deleting, and other functions and methods to accommodate list elements (with examples).
How to scale a picture size in CSS?
12 OCT 2017 by Abhishek Pathak
In this article, we will learn how to scale a picture size in CSS? CSS gives you transform properties to change the properties of the image (or any element).
How to create a table using JDBC in Java?
12 OCT 2017 by Manu Jemini
In this article, we are going to how to create table in MySQL database using JDBC through Java program? It’s an example of MySQL database connection using JDBC with creating a table.
How to make a div centre align using CSS?
10 OCT 2017 by Prerna Saxena
In this we will learn how we can center align div section on the web page using CSS? Since we use text-align property for centering text. But for center aligning whole block we use margin properties same property we use in aligning image in center of page.
Center any element horizontally in CSS.
10 OCT 2017 by Abhishek Pathak
In this article, we are going to learn how to center any element horizontally using CSS? Here, we have some examples which are using to arrange elements alignment horizontally.
Styling input placeholder with CSS.
09 OCT 2017 by Abhishek Pathak
Input placeholders are the text that are replaced with the content when user starts typing. In this article, we are going to learn to make Input placeholder with code and explanation.
How to input from user in PL/SQL?
09 OCT 2017 by Yash Kumar
In this article we learn how to take input from user. Just like we use scanf function in C and cin in C++, We will learn how to do the same thing in PL/SQL?
Factors affecting the choice of language.
07 OCT 2017 by Amit Shukla
Learn: In this article we are going to study about the different factors which affect the choice of programming language. We understand the different aspects which are uses in choosing or comparing different programming languages. We understand the purpose of programming languages.
Getting dynamic response with AJAX.
07 OCT 2017 by Abhishek Pathak
AJAX also known as Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, is a web technology to communicate with server and alter the content of the web page without reloading it. In this article, we will learn how to getting dynamic responses with AJAX?
Java program to break a string into characters.
07 OCT 2017 by Jyoti Singh
In this article of java program, we will learn how to break a string into characters?, In this article of java program, we will learn how to break a string into characters? Given a string and we have to break it into characters using Java.
Java programs
Binary Tree representation (Sequential and Link).
06 OCT 2017 by Amit Shukla
Learn: In this article we are going to study about the representation of binary tree. What are the different representations of trees in the memory? What is linked list representation of binary tree? What is sequential representation of binary tree?
Data Structure
Binary tree, Definition and its properties.
06 OCT 2017 by Amit Shukla
Learn: In this article we are going to study about the basics of binary tree. We study different types of binary tree like complete Binary Tree, Strictly Binary Tree, Extended Binary Tree, And Full Binary Tree? What are the uses of binary tree? How binary tree is different from general tree?
Data Structure
How to change the font-size with JavaScript?
06 OCT 2017 by Abhishek Pathak
Learn: How to change the font size of HTM text using JavaScript? Font size on a webpage might look beautiful, but it is of no use when someone with eye problem can't read it. But with JavaScript, we can remove this problem by manually increasing / decreasing the font-size.
Template literals in JavaScript.
05 OCT 2017 by Abhishek Pathak
In this article of JavaScript, we are going to learn about the Template literals in JavaScript - Template literals are the quotations used for specifying strings using ` (backtick) symbol. Just like the '/" quotes, they are used to denote the beginning and end of the string.
Set Structures in C++.
04 OCT 2017 by Amit Shukla
Learn: In this article we understand the function and features of set data type present in C++ standard library. We understand how to use set data type and when we have to use it. We understand the benefits of set data type. We understand the use of multiset.
Case Statements in PL/SQL.
03 OCT 2017 by Yash Kumar
PL/SQL - Case statements in PL/SQL: In this article, we will learn about case statement (similar as switch case statements in C/C++) with examples.
Find output of Python programs - 1.
02 OCT 2017 by Abhishek Jain
This section contains the programs with correct output and explanations in Python; you have to find your output of particular program and match output with the given output.
Matrix Multiplication in Python.
02 OCT 2017 by Abhishek Jain
Learn: In this article, we will see how to perform matrix multiplication in python. This article comprises matrix multiplication program written in python with Sample Input and Sample Output.
Matrix implementation in Python.
02 OCT 2017 by Abhishek Jain
Learn: In this article we are going to implement matrix operation using list. Nested list can be used to implement matrix operation. List as an element for another list is called nested list.
List Operations in Python - I.
01 OCT 2017 by Abhishek Jain
Learn: In this article, we will going to discuss about various list operations as accessing, traversing, list slicing, appending list elements with various examples and brief explanation.
Puzzle 32) The Lucky Number.
01 OCT 2017 by Abhishek Jain
Anuj, an intelligent boy discovers some new numbers named them as The Lucky Numbers. These numbers has the following special characteristics:
C# program to print pattern of 0's and 1's.
01 OCT 2017 by Ridhima Agarwal
This C# program is used to print 0's and 1's in a pattern, here I am using two loops (nested loop) and one counter variable to print the pattern, explanation and output is in the article.
Thanks for visiting and supporting us.
01 OCT 2017 by IncludeHelp
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