Shorthand to Define Multiple Variables/Constants in Golang

In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to use shorthand to define multiple variables/constants in Go Language?
Submitted by IncludeHelp, on March 25, 2021

In Go programming language, there is another shorthand to define multiple variables/constants together.

Variables are declared using the var keyword and constants are declared using the const keyword.

Both multiple variables & constants can be defined using the following syntax,

Syntax to define multiple variables:

var (
    name = value
    name = value
    name = value

Syntax to define multiple constants:

const (
    name = value
    name = value
    name = value

Practice the following programs illustrating the shorthand defining variables or constants of the same types or mixed types.

There are multiple ways to find the type of a variable/constant. In the below programs, we are using the %T format specifier to print the type of a variable/constants with the Printf() function of the fmt package.

1) Defining multiple variables of same type – Example

// Golang program for defining multiple
// variables of same type

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	var (
		a = 10
		b = 20
		c = 30

	// printing the values
	fmt.Println("value of a: ", a)
	fmt.Println("value of b: ", b)
	fmt.Println("value of c: ", c)

	// printing the types
	fmt.Printf("Type of a: %T\n", a)
	fmt.Printf("Type of b: %T\n", b)
	fmt.Printf("Type of c: %T\n", c)


value of a:  10
value of b:  20
value of c:  30
Type of a: int
Type of b: int
Type of c: int

2) Defining multiple variables of mixed type – Example

// Golang program for defining multiple
// variables of mixed type

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	var (
		a = 10
		b = 10.23
		c = "Hello"

	// printing the values
	fmt.Println("value of a: ", a)
	fmt.Println("value of b: ", b)
	fmt.Println("value of c: ", c)

	// printing the types
	fmt.Printf("Type of a: %T\n", a)
	fmt.Printf("Type of b: %T\n", b)
	fmt.Printf("Type of c: %T\n", c)


value of a:  10
value of b:  10.23
value of c:  Hello
Type of a: int
Type of b: float64
Type of c: string

3) Defining multiple constants of same type – Example

// Golang program for defining multiple
// constants of same type

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	const (
		a = 10
		b = 20
		c = 30

	// printing the values
	fmt.Println("value of a: ", a)
	fmt.Println("value of b: ", b)
	fmt.Println("value of c: ", c)

	// printing the types
	fmt.Printf("Type of a: %T\n", a)
	fmt.Printf("Type of b: %T\n", b)
	fmt.Printf("Type of c: %T\n", c)


value of a:  10
value of b:  20
value of c:  30
Type of a: int
Type of b: int
Type of c: int

4) Defining multiple constants of mixed type – Example

// Golang program for defining multiple
// constants of mixed type

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	const (
		a = 10
		b = 10.23
		c = "Hello"

	// printing the values
	fmt.Println("value of a: ", a)
	fmt.Println("value of b: ", b)
	fmt.Println("value of c: ", c)

	// printing the types
	fmt.Printf("Type of a: %T\n", a)
	fmt.Printf("Type of b: %T\n", b)
	fmt.Printf("Type of c: %T\n", c)


value of a:  10
value of b:  10.23
value of c:  Hello
Type of a: int
Type of b: float64
Type of c: string

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