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All posts from July 2018
In this program, we will learn how to solve polynomial and differential equations using C programming language?
C programs
C advance programs
Create First Web Page with Bootstrap: In this article, we will learn how to create first webpage with Bootstrap?
Web programming
In this article, we are discussing about a powerful tool for machine learning i.e. Spyder aka Scientific python development environmentand some of its basic features that gives you an upper edge over the conventional IDLE.
Machine learning
In this article, we are going to discuss about linear regression and its implication in the field of machine learning.
Machine learning
How to set up Bootstrap environment: In this article, we will learn how to set up the bootstrap environment to build a project and how we can work on it easily?
Web programming
Bootstrap - an introduction: in this article, we will learn about Bootstrap, its features, revisions, history etc.
Web programming
In this article, we are going to learn about Booths algorithm in computer system organization with its example and flowchart.
Computer Science Organization
In this article, we will learn the concept of 2 – 3 trees with its algorithm.
In this article, we will learn about the travelling salesman problem and prove that travelling salesman problem is the NP complete problem.
In this article, we learn about the concept of P problems, NP problems, NP hard problems and NP complete problems.
Here, we will learn how to print the length of the words from a string in Python? To extract the words from the string, we will use String.split() method and to get word’s length, we will use len() method.
Python programs
Python string programs
In this article, we would learn a simple program, about how to print HELLO WORLD on the LCD. As this is our first LCD program I would try to explain you every step in a more detailed way.
Embedded Systems
AVR Microcontroller
In this article, we learn about the concept of Breadth first search (BFS) and depth first search (DFS) and the algorithms of breadth first search and the depth first search.
In this article, we will learn about Threads in operating system, and Benefits of multithread programming. Multithread models are also prescribed in this article.
Operating Systems
In this article, we are going to learn about Line-Drawing algorithms by DDA (Digital Differential analyzer) algorithms and Bresenham’s algorithm in computer graphics.
Here, we will learn how to create two lists with EVEN and ODD numbers from a given list in Python? To implement this program, we will check EVEN and ODD numbers and appends two them separate lists.
Python programs
Python list programs
Here, we are going to learn how to remove duplicate elements from the list in python? To remove duplicate elements, we will append the unique elements to another list.
Python programs
Python list programs
In this article, we will learn about the non recursive algorithm of tree traversals like algorithm for pre-order, post-order and in-order.
Here, we are going to learn how to find and print the position/index of minimum and maximum elements of a list? To find the minimum and maximum elements, we use min() and max() methods in Python.
Python programs
Python list programs
Here, we are going to learn how to find the differences of two lists in the python? To find the differences, lists should be cast types to the sets and then use minus (-) operator to get the elements which are not in second list.
Python programs
Python list programs
In this article, we will learn about the introduction of threaded binary tree, types of threaded binary tree and the advantages, disadvantages of threaded binary tree in data structure.
Data Structure
In this article, we will learn about the concept of Lower Bound Theory and the proofing techniques that are useful for obtaining lower bounds.
In this article, we are going to learn about the undecidable problems, polynomial and non - polynomial time algorithms, and the deterministic, non - deterministic algorithms.
In this article, we are going to learn about the Disk scheduling in operating system and ways for selecting a best disk scheduling algorithms.
Operating Systems
In this article, we will learn about CPU Scheduling criteria, and CPU Scheduling algorithms in Operating System.
Operating Systems
In this article, we would explore some real world applications of the AVR. Here we would learn about PIN diagram and registers of 16x2 LCD.
Embedded Systems
AVR Microcontroller
In this article, we will learn about Hardwired control unit and Micro programmed control unit with their advantages and disadvantages. Need of a control unit in computer organization is also prescribed in this article.
Computer Science Organization
In this article, we will learn about some Standard Library String Functions in C programming language.
C programming language
C language Strings Tutorial: In this article, we are going to learn the basics of Strings in C programming language with examples.
C programming language
In this article, we learn about the Hamiltonian cycle and how it can we solved with the help of backtracking?
Data Structure
Here, we are going to learn how to remove all elements in a range from the list in Python? To remove all elements in a range from the list we use del() method of python.
Python programs
Python list programs
Here, we are going to learn how to remove first occurrence of a given element in the list in Python. To remove an element from the list, we use list.remove(element).
Python programs
Python list programs
In this article, we are going to discuss about the file organization, methods of organising a file, introduction of indexing and types of indexing in database management system.
In this article, we learn about the concurrency control techniques and various methods in concurrency control in database management system.
Management of concurrent transaction execution is known as “Concurrency Control”. Transaction management in DBMS handles all transaction, to ensure serializability and isolation of transaction...
In this article, we are going to get familiar with some of the best websites that are found on the internet for comprehending JavaScript one of the hottest programming languages till date due to it's large no. of applications, which involves being a client-side programming language.
Python String | format() Method with Example, this is an in-built method of Python and it format given string, it is useful when we create/format string with the values.
Python String Methods
Python String | find() Method with Example, this method is an in-built method in Python and it is used to check whether a given substring is exists in the string or not.
Python String Methods
In this article, we are going to discuss about the interval Tree, algorithm for searching in Interval tree and the augment of interval tree in data structure.
Data Structure
In this article, we are going to discuss about the introduction of generations of computers, different generations of the computers and the advantages of the generations.
Computer basics
In this article, we will learn about different types of nested loops in C programming language with their syntaxes, examples.
C programming language
Python string | capitalize() Method with Example, it is an in-built method in Python and it is used to return capitalized string.
Python String Methods
Python String| join() Method with Example, this is an in-built Method in Python, it is used to join the elements of the list, string with a separator.
Python String Methods
Python String | isupper() and islower() Methods with Examples, these are the in-built methods in Python, which are used to check whether a string is in Uppercase or Lowercase.
Python String Methods
In this article, we will learn concept of virtual memory in computer system with a block diagram. Explanation on virtual memory address translation and advantages of virtual memory is also prescribed in this article.
Computer Science Organization
In this article, we will learn about Cache memory, Cache coherence and page replacement algorithm (replacement policy) of cache memory in computer system organization.
Computer Science Organization
In this article, we will learn about Bucket sort with its algorithm and pseudo code. Examples of bucket sort with its analysis are also prescribed in this article.
Learn: Condition based programming | If and Else Statements | Decision making | Nested if-else in JavaScript.
JavaScript Tutorial
In this article, we will learn about the concept of branch and bounding.
In this article, we are going to learn about the graph coloring problem and how it can be solved with the help of backtracking algorithm.
In this, we have a list of numbers from that list we have to print only palindrome numbers present in that list, palindrome numbers are numbers, on reversing which number remains the same.
Python programs
In this article, we are going to find odd and even numbers from the given list of integers using Python program.
Python programs
Python Strings | isalnum() and isalpha() Methods with Example, these are the in-built methods. Here, we will learn about isalnum() and isalpha() methods of Python String.
Python String Methods
In this article, we will learn what is the difference between String’s isdecimal(), isnumeric() and isdigit() Method in Python programming language?
Python String Methods
Python String isdigit() method: In this tutorial, we will learn about isdigit() method of String in Python with Example.
Python String Methods
To learn about top 5 websites for learning, testing and honing up skills for individuals who aspire to learn python, know basic python or are python developers. These websites will cover all aspects for all type of python aspirants like beginners, intermediaries or developers etc.
In this article, we will learn about basic concept of Addressing modes in computer system organization. Classification of addressing modes is also prescribed in this article.
Computer Science Organization
In this article, we are going to discuss about the memory organization and the memory hierarchy design in computer science and organization.
Computer Science Organization
In this article, we are going to learn about the internal communication of processor and discuss about the communication of processor with memory devices and input output devices.
Computer Science Organization
In this article, we are going to learn about the introduction of input output data transfer mode and the types of data transfer mode in computer science and organization.
Computer Science Organization
Python String isnumeric() method: In this tutorial, we will learn about isnumeric() method of String in Python with Example.
Python String Methods
Python String isdecimal() method: In this tutorial, we will learn about isdecimal() method of String in Python with Example.
Python String Methods
In this article, we will learn about the Parallel Processing and its classification in Computer Science Organization.
Computer Science Organization
In this article, we will learn about the concepts of instruction format in computer organization. On the basis of availability of ALU operands types of CPU organization are also prescribed in this article.
Computer Science Organization
In this article, we will learn about the introduction of Machine cycle, phases of machine cycle and try to understand how a program execute in a computer system?
Computer Science Organization
In this article, we are going to learn about the registers and different types of registers in computer system organization.
Computer Science Organization
Java String class | Find output of the programs: Here, we will practice the Java String class with some of the programs, we have to find output of the given java programs.
Java programming
C language looping tutorial: In this article, we will learn about the concept of loops in C programming language with definition, flow charts and Examples.
C programming language
In this graphic design tutorial, we are going to learn how to set different types of images in a particular frame? Like I am using map of India as a frame and putting few images in this map. Here, Adobe Photoshop is used for designing. For better understanding take a look of screenshots.
Java String Operations, Functions/Methods with Example: Here, we will learn about the Strings in Java, String Operations and Function/Methods with Examples.
Java programming,
Java String
In this article, we are going to learn about object as an array in java programming language with explanation and examples.
Java programming,
Java String
C++ STL: std::list::empty() function with example: In this tutorial, we will learn to check whether a list is empty or not using list::empty()function.
C++ STL: string::append() function with example: In this tutorial, we will learn to append text to the string using string::append() function.
C++ STL: string::to_string() function with Example: In this tutorial, we will learn to convert numeric values to the string using to_string() function.
In this article we would learn what seven segments are and after that we will create a short program to display numbers in seven segments.
Embedded Systems,
AVR Microcontroller