Python abs() Function

By IncludeHelp Last updated : April 19, 2024

The abs() function is a library function in Python, it is used to get the absolute value of a given number. It accepts a number (can be an integer number, float number, or a complex number) and returns the absolute value of the given number.


The following is the syntax of abs() function:



The following are the parameter(s):

  • number – it can be an integer number, float number of a complex number.

Return Value

The abs() function returns an absolute value of the given number.


Example 1

Get the absolute values of different integer, float, and complex numbers.

# python code to demonstrate an example
# of abs() function

# integer number
iNum1 = 10
iNum2 = -10
print("Absolute value of ", iNum1, " is = ", abs(iNum1))
print("Absolute value of ", iNum2, " is = ", abs(iNum2))

# float number
fNum1 = 10.23
fNum2 = -10.23
print("Absolute value of ", fNum1, " is = ", abs(fNum1))
print("Absolute value of ", fNum2, " is = ", abs(fNum2))

# complex number
cNum1 = 10 + 5j
cNum2 = 10 - 5j
print("Absolute value of ", cNum1, " is = ", abs(cNum1))
print("Absolute value of ", cNum2, " is = ", abs(cNum2))


Absolute value of  10  is =  10
Absolute value of  -10  is =  10
Absolute value of  10.23  is =  10.23
Absolute value of  -10.23  is =  10.23
Absolute value of  (10+5j)  is =  11.180339887498949
Absolute value of  (10-5j)  is =  11.180339887498949

Example 2

Get the absolute value of the difference of two numbers.

# Finding the difference of two
# numbers using abs() method

x = 10
y = 20

print("Difference between", x, "and", y, "is", abs(x - y))


Difference between 10 and 20 is 10

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