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return keyword with example in Python

Python return keyword: Here, we are going to learn about the return keyword with example.
Submitted by IncludeHelp, on April 15, 2019

Python return keyword

return is a keyword (case-sensitive) in python, it is used to return a value (optional) to the calling function and transfers the control from called function to the calling function.

Syntax of return keyword

    return [value]

Here, value is optional, if we do not want to return a value to the calling function, we can simply use a return to exit from the function.


    # function to return sum of two numbers
    def sumof2no(x, y):
        result = x+y
        return result



Python examples of return keyword

Example 1: Write a function to demonstrate example of return keyword.

# python code to demonstrate an example 
# of return  keyword 

# a function
def myfunc():
    print("first line...")
    print("second line...")

# main code
# calling the function


first line...

Example 2: Write a function to add two numbers and return the sum

# python code to demonstrate an example 
# of return  keyword 

# function to return sum of two numbers
def sumof2no(x, y):
    result = x+y
    return result

# main code
# calling the function
a = 100
b = 300

# printing sum 
print("sum = ", sumof2no(a,b))


sum = 400

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