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All posts from September 2019
Copy all files from a directory to another in Python
30 SEP 2019 by
Sapna Deraje Radhakrishna
Here, we are going to learn how to copy all files from a directory to another directory in Python using shutil module?
Python OS & Shutil Modules
Copy and rename files in Python
30 SEP 2019 by
Sapna Deraje Radhakrishna
Python copy and rename files: Here, we are going to learn how to copy and rename the files in Python using shutil module functions?
Python OS & Shutil Modules
Copy and replace files in Python
30 SEP 2019 by
Sapna Deraje Radhakrishna
Python | copy and replace files (Example of shutil module): Here, we are going to learn about the shutil module in Python – which is used for high-level file operations.
Python OS & Shutil Modules
Functions of Physical Layer in the OSI Model | Computer Networks
30 SEP 2019 by
Monika Jha
Description and Functions of Physical Layer in the OSI model: In this tutorial, we are going to learn what the physical layer is and the Functions of Physical Layer in the OSI model in Computer Networking? we will also discuss the Design Issues with Physical Layer and the working of Physical Layer with the help of its diagram.
Computer networks
Functions of Data Link Layer in the OSI Model | Computer Networks
30 SEP 2019 by
Monika Jha
Description and Functions of Data Link Layer in the OSI model: In this tutorial, we are going to learn what the Data Link layer is and the Functions of Data Link Layer in the OSI model in Computer Networking? We will also discuss the Design Issues with Data Link Layer and the working of Data Link Layer with the help of its diagram and an example.
Computer networks
Active and Passive attacks in Information Security | Cyber Security
30 SEP 2019 by
Sahil Singh
Security attacks: Here, we are going to learn about the various security attacks like active and passive attacks in information security.
Cyber Security
Caesar Cipher | Cyber Security
28 SEP 2019 by
Sahil Singh
In this article, we will learn about Caesar cipher in Cyber Security. We will learn the encryption technique it uses and we'll see how to implement it.
Cyber Security
Hill Cipher | Cyber Security
28 SEP 2019 by
Sahil Singh
In this article, we will learn what Hill Cipher is? It's implementation technique: How to encrypt and decrypt strings using Hill Cipher and finally, we will encrypt and decrypt a string using this technique.
Cyber Security
Date and Time Classes in Ruby
28 SEP 2019 by
Hrithik Chandra Prasad
Ruby Data and Time Classes: Here, we are going to learn about the Date, Time, and DateTime classes in Ruby programming language with examples.
Ruby programming
Ranges in Ruby
28 SEP 2019 by
Hrithik Chandra Prasad
Ruby ranges: Here, we are going to learn about the ranges in Ruby programming language with examples.
Ruby programming
Modules in Ruby
28 SEP 2019 by
Hrithik Chandra Prasad
Ruby modules: Here, we are going to learn about the modules in Ruby programming language with module declaration syntax and examples.
Ruby programming
Java Integer class toHexString() method with example
28 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Integer class toHexString() method: Here, we are going to learn about the toHexString() method of Integer class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Integer Class Methods
Java Integer class toOctalString() method with example
28 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Integer class toOctalString() method: Here, we are going to learn about the toOctalString() method of Integer class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Integer Class Methods
Java Integer class toBinaryString() method with example
28 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Integer class toBinaryString() method: Here, we are going to learn about the toBinaryString() method of Integer class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Integer Class Methods
Java Integer class rotateRight() method with example
28 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Integer class rotateRight() method: Here, we are going to learn about the rotateRight() method of Integer class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Integer Class Methods
Java Integer class rotateLeft() method with example
28 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Integer class rotateLeft() method: Here, we are going to learn about the rotateLeft() method of Integer class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Integer Class Methods
Java Integer class reverseBytes() method with example
28 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Integer class reverseBytes() method: Here, we are going to learn about the reverseBytes() method of Integer class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Integer Class Methods
Java Integer class reverse() method with example
28 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Integer class reverse() method: Here, we are going to learn about the reverse() method of Integer class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Integer Class Methods
Scala Composition Function
27 SEP 2019 by
Shivang Yadav
Composition function in Scala: Composition of function is the way of using multiple functions to do some work. In this tutorial on Scala composition function, we will learn about composition function with examples.
Scala programming
Calling a Constructor of Super Class in Scala
27 SEP 2019 by
Shivang Yadav
Scala Superclass constructors are called by default from the base class. In this tutorial on calling a superclass constructor in Scala, we will learn about the superclass constructor calling in Scala with examples.
Scala programming
The Classical Waterfall Model
27 SEP 2019 by
Monika Sharma
In this article, we are going to study one of the software life cycle models, which is the classical waterfall model. We will study the different phases that a software undergoes when developed through the idea of this model, and will also study about the sequence in which each of these phases is executed.
Software Engineering
Software Life Cycle Model and Its Types
27 SEP 2019 by
Monika Sharma
This article is an introductory part of what a software life cycle model is. In this article we will study what this life cycle model means with respect to software, why do we need a software lifecycle model, and what are the different life cycle models that are known to us.
Software Engineering
Transmission Modes in Computer Network
27 SEP 2019 by
Monika Jha
In this tutorial, we are going to learn about the Transmission Modes in Computer Networking. We will also discuss the Types of Transmission Modes and illustrate it with the help of its diagram.
Computer networks
Line Configuration in Computer Networks
27 SEP 2019 by
Monika Jha
In this tutorial, we are going to learn about the Line Configuration in Computer Networking. We will also define the Types of Line Configuration and illustrate it with the help of its diagram.
Computer networks
Booting Process | Operating System
27 SEP 2019 by
Monika Jha
Booting process: In this tutorial, we are going to learn about the booting process. we will also understand what happens when a computer is booting? Also, discuss categories of Booting and what happens if a failure occurs during boot.
Operating systems
Java Integer class lowestOneBit() method with example
27 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Integer class lowestOneBit() method: Here, we are going to learn about the lowestOneBit() method of Integer class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Integer Class Methods
Java Integer class highestOneBit() method with example
27 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Integer class highestOneBit() method: Here, we are going to learn about the highestOneBit() method of Integer class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Integer Class Methods
Java Integer class bitCount() method with example
27 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Integer class bitCount() method: Here, we are going to learn about the bitCount() method of Integer class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Integer Class Methods
Java Integer class shortValue() method with example
27 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Integer class shortValue() method: Here, we are going to learn about the shortValue() method of Integer class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Integer Class Methods
Java Integer class hashCode() method with example
27 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Integer class hashCode() method: Here, we are going to learn about the hashCode() method of Integer class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Integer Class Methods
Insert Records into MySQL database in C#
26 SEP 2019 by
Inserting into database in C#: Here, we are going to learn how to insert records into MySQL database using C#.net?
C# Database Connectivity
Connecting to MySQL database in C#
26 SEP 2019 by
MySQL database connection with C#: Here, we are going to learn how to connect MySQL database with C#.Net with Example?
C# Database Connectivity
JavaScript Variables
26 SEP 2019 by
Siddhant Verma
JavaScript variables: In this tutorial, we are going to learn about the variables, declaration of the variables in JavaScript, accessing, updating the variables with examples, etc.
JavaScript Tutorial
JavaScript Type Conversions
26 SEP 2019 by
Siddhant Verma
JavaScript Type Conversions: In this tutorial, we are going to learn about the type conversions in JavaScript (converting from one datatype to other in JavaScript).
JavaScript Tutorial
JavaScript Syntax
26 SEP 2019 by
Siddhant Verma
JavaScript syntax: In this tutorial, we are going to learn about the syntax of JavaScript code, Browser's in built developer console, operators and operations, etc.
JavaScript Tutorial
Java vs JavaScript | Differences and Popularities
26 SEP 2019 by
Siddhant Verma
Java vs JavaScript: Here, we are going to learn about the Java and JavaScript i.e. the differences between Java and JavaScript, popularities of Java and JavaScript.
JavaScript Tutorial
Exception Handling in Ruby
26 SEP 2019 by
Hrithik Chandra Prasad
Ruby exception handling: In this tutorial, we are going to learn about the exception handling with examples in Ruby programming language.
Ruby programming
Ruby vs Python | Similarities and Dissimilarities
26 SEP 2019 by
Hrithik Chandra Prasad
Ruby vs Python: Here, we are going to learn what are the similarities and dissimilarities of Ruby and Python?
Ruby programming
Java Integer Class compareTo() method with example
26 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Integer class compareTo() method: Here, we are going to learn about the compareTo() method of Integer class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Integer Class Methods
Java Integer class equals() method with example
26 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Integer class equals() method: Here, we are going to learn about the equals() method of Integer class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Integer Class Methods
Virtual Environment for Python based application
25 SEP 2019 by
Sapna Deraje Radhakrishna
Python virtual environment: Here, we are going to learn what is python virtual environment, why do we need a virtual environment, and how to create a virtual environment in Python3?
Creating directories and handling exceptions in Python
25 SEP 2019 by
Sapna Deraje Radhakrishna
Example of os.mkdir() and os.makedirs() methods: Here, we are going to learn how to create a single or multiple directories in Python, here we are also learning how to handle the exceptions while creating the directories?
Python OS & Shutil Modules
Multitasking and Multithreading in Operating System
25 SEP 2019 by
Monika Jha
In this tutorial, we are going to learn about the Multitasking Operating System and Multithreading Operating System. This article also comprises Working and differences between Multitasking and Multithreading Operating System.
Operating systems
Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN) Scheduling in Operating System
25 SEP 2019 by
Monika Jha
HRRN Scheduling in OS: In this tutorial, we will discuss the HRRN Scheduling Algorithm in Operating System. We will define it first and illustrate it with the help of an example and will understand its advantages and disadvantages.
Operating systems
PHP PDO Inserting data into tables
25 SEP 2019 by
Bhanu Sharma
Inserting data into tables: Here, we are going to learn how to insert data into tables using PDO in PHP programming language?
PHP programming
PHP Examples
Java Integer class doubleValue() method with example
25 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Integer class doubleValue() method: Here, we are going to learn about the doubleValue() method of Integer class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Integer Class Methods
Java Integer class floatValue() method with example
25 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Integer class floatValue() method: Here, we are going to learn about the floatValue() method of Integer class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Integer Class Methods
Java Integer class byteValue() method with example
25 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Integer class byteValue() method: Here, we are going to learn about the byteValue() method of Integer class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Integer Class Methods
Java Integer class longValue() method with example
25 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Integer class longValue() method: Here, we are going to learn about the longValue() method of Integer class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Integer Class Methods
Java Integer class intValue() method with example
25 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Integer class intValue() method: Here, we are going to learn about the intValue() method of Integer class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Integer Class Methods
Role of management in software development
24 SEP 2019 by
Monika Sharma
In this article, we are going to study about what role the management team plays in software development, or it can also be said as, how the things are managed, and before that, what are the things that need to be managed during software development.
Software Engineering
Module and Software Components in Software Engineering
24 SEP 2019 by
Monika Sharma
In this article we are going to study about the modules in a software, and also about other terms related to software components like interfaces, subprograms, subroutines, functions or methods, etc.
Software Engineering
Simple pattern printing programs in Python
24 SEP 2019 by
Anshuman Das
Python pattern printing programs: Here, we will find some of the programs based on pattern printing in Python.
Python programs
Python basic programs
Fragmentation in Operating System
24 SEP 2019 by
Monika Jha
Fragmentation in operating system: In this tutorial, we are going to learn what is fragmentation, cause of fragmentation, types of fragmentation, etc.
Operating systems
Java Double class compareTo() method with example
24 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Double class compareTo() method: Here, we are going to learn about the compareTo() method of Double class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Double Class Methods
Java Double class equals() method with example
24 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Double class equals() method: Here, we are going to learn about the equals() method of Double class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Double Class Methods
Java Double class hashCode() method with example
24 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Double class hashCode() method: Here, we are going to learn about the hashCode() method of Double class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Double Class Methods
Java Double class longBitsToDouble() method with example
24 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Double class longBitsToDouble() method: Here, we are going to learn about the longBitsToDouble() method of Double class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Double Class Methods
Java Double class valueOf() method with example
24 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Double class valueOf() method: Here, we are going to learn about the valueOf() method of Double class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Double Class Methods
Java Double class isInfinite() method with example
24 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Double class isInfinite() method: Here, we are going to learn about the isInfinite() method of Double class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Double Class Methods
Segmentation in Operating System
23 SEP 2019 by
Monika Jha
In this tutorial, we are going to learn about the operating system segmentation, its advantages, and disadvantages. Here article also comprises the basic method of segmentation and Hardware support for segmentation.
Operating systems
Multiprogramming and Multiprocessing in Operating System
23 SEP 2019 by
Monika Jha
In this tutorial, we are going to learn the Multiprogramming Operating System and Multiprocessing Operating System. Here, we also comprise Differences, advantages and drawbacks of Multiprogramming and Multiprocessing Operating System.
Operating systems
Kernel I/O Subsystem in Operating System
23 SEP 2019 by
Monika Jha
Operating system Kernel I/O subsystem: In this tutorial, we are going to learn about the kernel input/output (I/O) subsystem in Operating System.
Operating systems
Getting an element of Collection<T> from specified index in C#
23 SEP 2019 by
Here, we are going to learn how to get an element of Collection<T> from the specified index in C#?
C# Collections
Inserting an element at specified index in a Collection<T> in C#
23 SEP 2019 by
Here, we are going to learn How to insert an element at specified index in a Collection<T> in C#?
C# Collections
Java Double class toString() method with example
23 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Double class toString() method: Here, we are going to learn about the toString() method of Double class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Double Class Methods
Java Double class ToHexString() method with example
23 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Double class ToHexString() method: Here, we are going to learn about the ToHexString() method of Double class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Double Class Methods
Java Double class parseDouble() method with example
23 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Double class parseDouble() method: Here, we are going to learn about the parseDouble() method of Double class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Double Class Methods
Implementation of WebSocket using Flask Socket IO in Python
22 SEP 2019 by
Sapna Deraje Radhakrishna
Python WebSocket Implementation: In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to implement WebSocket using Flask Socket IO in Python?
Python WebSocket
Implementation of WebSocket using Socket-IO in Python
22 SEP 2019 by
Sapna Deraje Radhakrishna
Python WebSocket Implementation: In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to implement WebSocket using Socket-IO in Python?
Python WebSocket
Varargs in Scala
22 SEP 2019 by
Shivang Yadav
Scala varargs: The concept of providing variable-length argument to a method. In this tutorial on varargs in Scala, we will learn about varargs, examples, and programs related to it.
Scala programming
Lambda Expression in Scala
22 SEP 2019 by
Shivang Yadav
Scala Lambda expression is that expression which uses an anonymous function to initialize its value instead of a variable or value. In this tutorial on lambda expressions in Scala, we will learn about lambda expressions, their usage, and examples.
Scala programming
Java Double class doubleValue() method with example
22 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Double class doubleValue() method: Here, we are going to learn about the doubleValue() method of Double class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Double Class Methods
Java Double class floatValue() method with example
22 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Double class floatValue() method: Here, we are going to learn about the floatValue() method of Double class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Double Class Methods
Java Double class longValue() method with example
22 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Double class longValue() method: Here, we are going to learn about the longValue() method of Double class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Double Class Methods
Java Double class shortValue() method with example
22 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Double class shortValue() method: Here, we are going to learn about the shortValue() method of Double class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Double Class Methods
Java Double class intValue() method with example
22 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Double class intValue() method: Here, we are going to learn about the intValue() method of Double class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Double Class Methods
Java Double class isNaN() method with example
22 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Double class isNaN() method: Here, we are going to learn about the isNaN() method of Double class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Double Class Methods
Partial functions in Scala
21 SEP 2019 by
Shivang Yadav
Scala partial functions: A function that works on only some specific set of values is called partial function. In this tutorial on partial functions in Scala, we will learn about partial functions, there in commendations along with some examples.
Scala programming
Repeated Method Parameters in Scala
21 SEP 2019 by
Shivang Yadav
Scala Repeated Method Parameters: It is the concept of accepting multiple parameters by a method. In this tutorial, we will learn about repeated method parameter in Scala with examples.
Scala programming
NullReferenceException Exception in C#
21 SEP 2019 by
C# NullReferenceException Exception: Here, we are going to learn what is NullReferenceException Exception and how to handle NullReferenceException Exception in C#?
C# Exception handling
User Defined Exceptions in C#
21 SEP 2019 by
C# User defined exceptions: In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to create user-defined exceptions in C# with examples?
C# Exception handling
String.IsNullOrEmpty() method with example in C#
21 SEP 2019 by
C# String.IsNullOrEmpty() method: Here, we are going to learn about the IsNullOrEmpty() method of String class with example.
C# String class methods
String.Insert() method with example in C#
21 SEP 2019 by
C# String.Insert() method: Here, we are going to learn about the Insert() method of String class with example.
C# String class methods
String.Contains() method with example in C#
21 SEP 2019 by
C# String.Contains() method: Here, we are going to learn about the Contains() method of String class with example.
C# String class methods
Reading string from user input in C#
21 SEP 2019 by
C# reading string: Here, we are going to learn how to take input (read a string) from the user in C#.Net?
Java Double class doubleTorRawLongBits() method with example
21 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Double class doubleTorRawLongBits() method: Here, we are going to learn about the doubleTorRawLongBits() method of Double class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Double Class Methods
Java Double class doubleToLongBits() method with example
21 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Double class doubleToLongBits() method: Here, we are going to learn about the doubleToLongBits() method of Double class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Double Class Methods
Java Double class compare() method with example
21 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Double class compare() method: Here, we are going to learn about the compare() method of Double class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Double Class Methods
Java Double class byteValue() method with example
21 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Double class byteValue() method: Here, we are going to learn about the byteValue() method of Double class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Double Class Methods
Basic concepts of websocket server in Python
20 SEP 2019 by
Sapna Deraje Radhakrishna
Python WebSocket server: Here, we are going to learn about the basic concepts of WebSocket server in Python like what is WebSocket server, where and when to use it, python WebSocket libraries, etc.
Python WebSocket
Formatting Strings in Scala | Scala format() and formatted() methods
20 SEP 2019 by
Shivang Yadav
Scala string format() and formatted() methods: Printing a string to output in a specific format needs formatting of Strings. In Scala programming language, we have two methods to deal with the formatting of Strings in Scala. Here, we will learn about these methods.
Scala programming
Method Invocation in Scala
20 SEP 2019 by
Shivang Yadav
Method invocation is the technique to call a method in Scala programming language. In this tutorial on Scala method invocation, we will learn all legal methods to invoke the method.
Scala programming
C# exception handling with multiple catch blocks
20 SEP 2019 by
Here, in this tutorial, we are going to learn about the exception handling with multiple catch blocks in C# with examples and discussing the various exceptions also.
C# Exception handling
Exception handling in C#
20 SEP 2019 by
C# Exception Handling: Here, we are going to learn about the exception handling in C# with examples, here we will also see the various common exceptions and handling them using try catch block.
C# Exception handling
Is it necessary that each try block must be followed by a catch block in Java?
20 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Here, we are going to learn that: Is it necessary that each try block must be followed by a catch block in Java programming language?
Java programming
What are different ways to create a string object in Java?
20 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Different ways to create a string object: Here, we are going to learn what are different ways to create a string object in Java programming language?
Java programming
How to call a class from another class in Java?
20 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Calling a class from another class: Here, we are going to learn how to call a class from another class in Java programming language?
Java programming
PHP code to connect various databases
19 SEP 2019 by
Bhanu Sharma
Connecting with database in PHP: Here, we are going to learn how to connect with the various databases like MySQL, postgres, SQLite, etc?
PHP programming
PHP Examples
Check if an array is empty or not in PHP
19 SEP 2019 by
Bhanu Sharma
Here, we are going to learn how to check whether a given array in an empty array or not in PHP?
PHP programming
PHP Examples
Differences between Cache Memory and Virtual Memory | Operating System
19 SEP 2019 by
Monika Jha
Cache vs Virtual Memory: Here, we are going to learn what are the differences between Cache Memory and Virtual Memory in Operating System?
Operating systems
Child process in Operating System
19 SEP 2019 by
Monika Jha
Child process in OS: In this tutorial, we are going to learn what the significance of child process is?
Operating systems
Differences between Firmware and Operating System
19 SEP 2019 by
Monika Jha
Firmware vs Operating system: In this article, we will learn about the differences between firmware and operating system. Significance of firmware and operating system.
Operating systems
How to get the Java VM specifications in Java?
18 SEP 2019 by
Java VM specifications example: Here, we are going to learn how to get and print the Java VM specifications in Java?
Java programming
How to get the version of running Java VM in Java?
18 SEP 2019 by
Java java.vm.version property example: Here, we are going to learn how to get and print the version name of running Java VM in Java?
Java programming
How to get the vendor name of running Java VM in Java?
18 SEP 2019 by
Java java.vm.vendor property example: Here, we are going to learn how to get and print the vendor name of running Java VM in Java?
Java programming
How to get the name of running Java VM in Java?
18 SEP 2019 by
Java java.vm.name property example: Here, we are going to learn how to get and print the name of running Java VM in Java?
Java programming
How to detect the OS (operating system) name in Java?
18 SEP 2019 by
Java os.name property example: Here, we are going to learn how to detect and print the operating system (OS) name in Java?
Java programming
How to implement a WebSocket server using Tornado?
17 SEP 2019 by
Sapna Deraje Radhakrishna
WebSocket in Python: Here, we are going to learn how to implement a WebSocket server using Tornado?
Python WebSocket
What is WebSocket and how to use it in Python?
17 SEP 2019 by
Sapna Deraje Radhakrishna
WebSockets in Python: Here, we are going to learn what is WebSocket and how to use it in Python?
Python WebSocket
Field overriding in Scala
17 SEP 2019 by
Shivang Yadav
Scala field overriding: In Scala, field overriding is also allowed to redefine the field in the child class. In this tutorial, we will learn about the field overriding with the use of examples.
Scala programming
final keyword with example in Scala
17 SEP 2019 by
Shivang Yadav
Scala final keyword: The final keyword in Scala is used to restrict the usage of a class. This will learn about the final keyword in Scala, its usage and working examples.
Scala programming
Difference and Relation between Software product and Software process
17 SEP 2019 by
Monika Sharma
In this article, we are going to study about the difference between a Software Product and a Software Process. Not only the difference, but we will also discuss how the Software product and Software process are related to each other?
Software Engineering
Is it possible to use abstract and final both with a method in Java?
17 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Here, we are going to learn that can you use abstract and final both with a method in Java? Is it possible to use abstract and final both with a method in Java?
Java programming
How to make a write-only class in Java?
17 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Here, we are going to learn that can we make write-only class in Java? If yes, then how to make write-only class in Java?
Java programming
How to make a read-only class in Java?
17 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Here, we are going to learn that can we make read-only class in Java? If yes, then how to make Read-only class in Java?
Java programming
Can we define private and protected modifiers for the members in interfaces in Java?
17 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Here, we are going to learn that can we define private and protected modifiers for the members in interfaces in Java programming language?
Java programming
Can a class have an interface and can an interface have a class in Java?
17 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Here, we are going to learn that can a class have an interface and can an interface have a class in Java programming language?
Java programming
Software product | Software Engineering
16 SEP 2019 by
Monika Sharma
In this article, we are going to learn about what a software product is? Meanwhile, we will also have a look at what are the types of software products and what are the things that a software product consists of.
Software Engineering
Operating procedures in a software
16 SEP 2019 by
Monika Sharma
In this article, we are going to learn about what the operating procedures are in software? And, will also have a look at the various types of operating procedures, i.e. the different manuals that the operating procedures of a software consists.
Software Engineering
Passport local strategy section 2 | Node.js
16 SEP 2019 by
Godwill Tetah
Node.js | Passport local strategy: Here, we are going to learn about the further steps to setup passport module (various requirements for setting up the passport-local strategy with Node.js/Express and MongoDB database).
Node.js Authentication Series
Passport local strategy section 1 | Node.js
16 SEP 2019 by
Godwill Tetah
Node.js | Passport local strategy: Here, we are going to learn about the various requirements for setting up the passport-local strategy with Node.js/Express and MongoDB database.
Node.js Authentication Series
Passport Middleware (Module) in Node.js
16 SEP 2019 by
Godwill Tetah
Node.js | Passport Middleware (Module): Here, we are going to learn about the passport module/middleware in Node.js with example.
Node.js Authentication Series
C program to generate random numbers within a range
16 SEP 2019 by
Shivang Yadav
Generating random numbers in C: Here, we are going to learn how to generate random numbers within a given range in C programming language?
C programs
C basic programs
Differences between Checked and UnChecked Exception in Java
16 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Java Checked vs UnChecked Exception: Here, we are going to learn what are the differences between Checked and UnChecked Exception in Java programming language?
Java programming
Java System class getProperties() method with example
16 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
System class getProperties() method: Here, we are going to learn about the getProperties() method of System class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java System Class Methods
Java System class exit() method with example
16 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
System class exit() method: Here, we are going to learn about the exit() method of System class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java System Class Methods
Java Math class toDegrees() method with example
16 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Math class toDegrees() method in Java: Here, we are going to learn about the toDegrees() method of Math class in Java programming language with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Math Class Methods
Java Math class ulp() method with example
16 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Math class ulp() method in Java: Here, we are going to learn about the ulp() method of Math class in Java programming language with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Math Class Methods
Java Math class signum() method with example
16 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Math class signum() method in Java: Here, we are going to learn about the signum() method of Math class in Java programming language with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Math Class Methods
Java Math class scalb() method with example
16 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Math class scalb() method in Java: Here, we are going to learn about the scalb() method of Math class in Java programming language with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Math Class Methods
Total number of non-decreasing numbers with n digits
15 SEP 2019 by
Radib Kar
Here, we are going to see how many non-decreasing numbers can be generated of length n digits?
Interview coding problems/challenges
Combinatorics ICP
PHP example to fetch data from MySQL (MariaDB) database using PDO function
15 SEP 2019 by
Bhanu Sharma
Fetching data from database in PHP: Here, we are going to learn how to fetch data from MySQL (MariaDB) database using PDO function in PHP programming?
PHP programming
PHP Examples
PHP gettype() function with example
15 SEP 2019 by
Bhanu Sharma
PHP gettype() function: Here, we are going to learn about the gettype() function in PHP programming with example, which is used to get the type of the data or datatype.
PHP programming
Email form using Nodemailer and Node.js (project)
15 SEP 2019 by
Godwill Tetah
Here, we are designing an HTML form to send an email using Nodemailer in Node.js, Here, we are using Gmail transporter to send an email.
How to send emails with Nodemailer using HTML as content | Node.js
15 SEP 2019 by
Godwill Tetah
Sending emails using Nodemailer: Here, we are going to learn how to send emails with attachments using Nodemailer using HTML as content in Node.js?
Java System class loadLibrary() method with example
15 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
System class loadLibrary() method: Here, we are going to learn about the loadLibrary() method of System class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java System Class Methods
Java System class load() method with example
15 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
System class load() method: Here, we are going to learn about the load() method of System class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java System Class Methods
Java System class mapLibraryName() method with example
15 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
System class mapLibraryName() method: Here, we are going to learn about the mapLibraryName() method of System class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java System Class Methods
Java System class nanoTime() method with example
15 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
System class nanoTime() method: Here, we are going to learn about the nanoTime() method of System class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java System Class Methods
Java System class runFinalization() method with example
15 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
System class runFinalization() method: Here, we are going to learn about the runFinalization() method of System class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java System Class Methods
Java System class setErr() method with example
15 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
System class setErr() method: Here, we are going to learn about the setErr() method of System class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java System Class Methods
Java System class setIn() method with example
15 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
System class setIn() method: Here, we are going to learn about the setIn() method of System class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java System Class Methods
Java System class currentTimeMillis() method with example
15 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
System class currentTimeMillis() method: Here, we are going to learn about the currentTimeMillis() method of System class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java System Class Methods
How to overcome TLE in competitive programming?
14 SEP 2019 by
Debasis Jana
TLE in competitive programming: Here, we are going to learn how to overcome TLE in competitive programming?
Competitive programming
Table creation, data insertion in SQLite database using C language
14 SEP 2019 by
SQLite with C (create table & insert data): Here, we are going to learn how to create a table and insert data in the table in SQLite database using C programming language?
C programming
SQLite with C
Snakes and ladder (Single player) in Python
14 SEP 2019 by
Anuj Singh
Python | Snakes and ladder (Single player): Here, we are going to implement a snakes and ladder game for single player using Python program.
Python programs
Ruby to_s method
14 SEP 2019 by
Hrithik Chandra Prasad
Ruby to_s method: Here, we are going to learn about the to_s method in Ruby programming language which is used to convert to string.
Ruby programming
concat() method in Ruby
14 SEP 2019 by
Hrithik Chandra Prasad
Ruby concat() method: Here, we are going to learn about the concat() method in Ruby programming language which is used to concatenate the strings.
Ruby programming
How to concatenate strings using plus (+) operator in Ruby?
14 SEP 2019 by
Hrithik Chandra Prasad
Concatenating string using plus (+) operator: Here, we are going to learn how to concatenate the string using the plus (+) operator in Ruby programming language?
Ruby programming
Java System class inheritedChannel() method with example
14 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
System class inheritedChannel() method: Here, we are going to learn about the inheritedChannel() method of System class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java System Class Methods
Java System class identityHashCode() method with example
14 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
System class identityHashCode() method: Here, we are going to learn about the identityHashCode() method of System class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java System Class Methods
Java System class getSecurityManager() method with example
14 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
System class getSecurityManager() method: Here, we are going to learn about the getSecurityManager() method of System class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java System Class Methods
Java System class console() method with example
14 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
System class console() method: Here, we are going to learn about the console() method of System class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java System Class Methods
Java System class clearProperty() method with example
14 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
System class clearProperty() method: Here, we are going to learn about the clearProperty() method of System class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java System Class Methods
Java System class arraycopy() method with example
14 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
System class arraycopy() method: Here, we are going to learn about the arraycopy() method of System class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java System Class Methods
Python program to find the least multiple from given N numbers
14 SEP 2019 by
Anuj Singh
Here, we will be framing a code for finding the least multiple of a number x from a given set of numbers (set of 5 numbers in this program, and it could be many numbers as per the problem).
Python programs
Python program to find the maximum multiple from given N numbers
14 SEP 2019 by
Anuj Singh
Here, we will be framing a code for finding the maximum multiple of a number x from a given set of a number (set of 5 numbers in this program).
Python programs
C++ Inheritance aptitude questions and answers
13 SEP 2019 by
Anshuman Das
C++ Inheritance Aptitude: This section contains C++ inheritance aptitude questions and answers with explanations.
C++ aptitude questions and answers
How to synchronize ArrayList in Java?
13 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Synchronizing ArrayList: Here, we are going to learn how to synchronize an ArrayList in Java programming language?
Java programming
How to remove duplicates from ArrayList in Java?
13 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Removing duplicates from ArrayList: Here, we are going to learn how to remove duplicates (duplicate records) from an ArrayList in Java programming language?
Java programming
How to reverse ArrayList in Java?
13 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Reversing an ArrayList: Here, we are going to learn how to reverse an ArrayList (elements of an ArrayList) in Java programming language?
Java programming
Java ThreadGroup class checkAccess() method with example
13 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
ThreadGroup class checkAccess() method: Here, we are going to learn about the checkAccess() method of ThreadGroup class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java ThreadGroup Class Methods
Java ThreadGroup class activeGroupCount() method with example
13 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
ThreadGroup class activeGroupCount() method: Here, we are going to learn about the activeGroupCount() method of ThreadGroup class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java ThreadGroup Class Methods
Java ThreadGroup class activeCount() method with example
13 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
ThreadGroup class activeCount() method: Here, we are going to learn about the activeCount() method of ThreadGroup class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java ThreadGroup Class Methods
SQLite with C language
12 SEP 2019 by
SQLite with C: In this tutorial, we are going to learn about the SQLite with C programming language, we will learn how to create SQLite database, how to check created tables, etc?
C programming
SQLite with C
How to send emails with attachments using Nodemailer | Node.js
12 SEP 2019 by
Godwill Tetah
Sending emails using Nodemailer: Here, we are going to learn how to send emails with attachments using Nodemailer in Node.js?
How to send emails using Nodemailer | Node.js
12 SEP 2019 by
Godwill Tetah
Sending emails using Nodemailer: Here, we are going to learn how to send emails using Nodemailer in Node.js?
String concatenation in Ruby
12 SEP 2019 by
Hrithik Chandra Prasad
Ruby string concatenation: Here, we are going to learn about the concatenating the strings using the various methods in Ruby programming language with examples.
Ruby programming
alias vs alias_method in Ruby
12 SEP 2019 by
Hrithik Chandra Prasad
Ruby Alias and Alias_method: Here, we are going to learn about the Alias and Alias_method in Ruby programming language with its syntaxes and examples.
Ruby programming
C program to calculate the sum of the series 1+(1+2) +(1+2+3) +(1+2+3+4) +...+(1+2+3+...+n)
12 SEP 2019 by
Anshuman Das
Given a series: 1+(1+2) +(1+2+3) +(1+2+3+4) +…. +(1+2+3+…+n), and we have to find the sum of all elements using C program.
C programs
Sum of series C programs
C program to calculate the sum of the series 1-2+3-4+5-6+7-8...N terms
12 SEP 2019 by
Anshuman Das
Given the series 1 -2+3-4+5-6+7-8 ... N terms, and we have to find the sum of all values using C program.
C programs
Sum of series C programs
Java System class setSecurityManager() method with example
12 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
System class setSecurityManager() method: Here, we are going to learn about the setSecurityManager() method of System class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java System Class Methods
Java System class getenv() method with example
12 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
System class getenv() method: Here, we are going to learn about the getenv() method of System class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java System Class Methods
Java System class setProperties() method with example
12 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
System class setProperties() method: Here, we are going to learn about the setProperties() method of System class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java System Class Methods
Java System class setProperty() method with example
12 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
System class setProperty() method: Here, we are going to learn about the setProperty() method of System class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java System Class Methods
Java System class setOut() method with example
12 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
System class setOut() method: Here, we are going to learn about the setOut() method of System class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java System Class Methods
MATLAB Window Desktop Environment overview
12 SEP 2019 by
Alok Kumar
Here, we are going to learn about the MATLAB Windows Desktop Environment and its different windows like command window, figure window, editor window, help window etc.
How to tell Ruby program to wait for some amount of time?
10 SEP 2019 by
Hrithik Chandra Prasad
Example of sleep() method: Here, we are going to learn how to tell Ruby program to wait for some amount of time?
Ruby programming
Commands in MATLAB
10 SEP 2019 by
Alok Kumar
In this tutorial, we are going to learn about the commands, special variables, constants, display formats, input/output formats in MATLAB.
How to make ArrayList Read-Only in Java?
10 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Making ArrayList Read-Only: Here, we are going to learn how to make ArrayList Read-Only in Java programming language?
Java programming
How to convert ArrayList to Array in Java?
10 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Converting ArrayList to Array: Here, we are going to learn how to convert an ArrayList to an Array in Java programming language?
Java programming
How to convert Array to ArrayList in Java?
10 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Converting Array to ArrayList: Here, we are going to learn how to convert an Array into ArrayList in Java programming?
Java programming
A Precept of Microsoft 365 Certified: Enterprise Administrator Expert Certification and Its Exam MCSE MS-101
09 SEP 2019 by
A Precept of Microsoft 365 Certified: Enterprise Administrator Expert Certification and Its Exam MCSE MS-101.
this keyword in Scala
09 SEP 2019 by
Shivang Yadav
Scala this keyword: this keyword is used to fetch the variable of the current class. In this tutorial, we will learn about this keyword in Scala, it’s working and sample codes.
Scala programming
Syntax in MATLAB
09 SEP 2019 by
Alok Kumar
MATLAB Syntax: Here, we are going to learn about the syntax of MATLAB, and notes for working in the command window.
Introduction to MATLAB
09 SEP 2019 by
Alok Kumar
MATLAB Introduction: In this tutorial, we are going to learn about the MATLAB (An Introduction to MATLAB).
Overview of MATLAB Software
09 SEP 2019 by
Alok Kumar
MATLAB overview: Here, we are going to learn what is MATLAB, what can we do with MATLAB, who to use MATLAB and what are the various topics in MATLAB?
Java Math Class static double toRadians(double angle_in_degrees) with example
09 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Java Math Class static double toRadians(double angle_in_degrees) method: Here, we are going to learn about the static double toRadians(double angle_in_degrees) method of Math Class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Math Class Methods
Java Math Class static long round(double d) with example
09 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Java Math Class static long round(double d) method: Here, we are going to learn about the static long round(double d) method of Math Class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Math Class Methods
Java Math Class static int round(float f) with example
09 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Java Math Class static int round(float f) method: Here, we are going to learn about the static int round(float f) method of Math Class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Math Class Methods
Java Math Class static double nextUp(double do) with example
09 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Java Math Class double nextUp(double do) method: Here, we are going to learn about the double nextUp(double do) method of Math Class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Math Class Methods
Java Math Class static float nextUp(float fl) with example
09 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Java Math Class static float nextUp(float fl) method: Here, we are going to learn about the static float nextUp(float fl) method of Math Class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Math Class Methods
Different types of documentation manuals in software engineering
08 SEP 2019 by
Monika Sharma
In this article, we are going to study about the different types of documentation manuals that are prepared in the different phases of software development.
Software Engineering
The software documentation
08 SEP 2019 by
Monika Sharma
In this article, we are going to study what the software documentation is and how it is done? In this, we are going to study about the different types of manuals that the documentation of any software must consist.
Software Engineering
Sending email using Ruby
08 SEP 2019 by
Hrithik Chandra Prasad
In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to send email using Ruby programming languages with example?
Ruby programming
Database access in Ruby
08 SEP 2019 by
Hrithik Chandra Prasad
In this tutorial, we are going to learn about the database access in Ruby programming language, how to install and obtain Ruby DBI?
Ruby programming
Some major software failures
07 SEP 2019 by
Monika Sharma
In this article, we are going to study about some major software failures that have taken place and have resulted in a huge loss to its financers and have also caused many problems.
Software Engineering
The evolving nature of the software industry
07 SEP 2019 by
Monika Sharma
In this article, we are going to study about the evolving nature of the Software industry which will include the topics: The current situation of the Software industry, the Software Industry crisis and the factors contributing to it.
Software Engineering
Socket programming in Ruby
07 SEP 2019 by
Hrithik Chandra Prasad
Ruby socket programming: In this tutorial, we are going to learn about the socket programming with examples in Ruby programming language.
Ruby programming
CGI programming in Ruby
07 SEP 2019 by
Hrithik Chandra Prasad
In this tutorial, we are going to learn about the CGI (Common Gateway Interface) programming in Ruby programming language?
Ruby programming
Java Math Class static double random() with example
07 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Java Math Class static double random() method: Here, we are going to learn about the static double random() method of Math Class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Math Class Methods
Java Math Class static float nextAfter(float starts , double directions) with example
07 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Java Math Class static float nextAfter(float starts , double directions) method: Here, we are going to learn about the static float nextAfter(float starts , double directions) method of Math Class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Math Class Methods
Java Math Class static double nextAfter(double starts , double directions) with example
07 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Java Math Class static double nextAfter(double starts , double directions) method: Here, we are going to learn about the static double nextAfter(double starts , double directions) method of Math Class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Math Class Methods
Difference between Call by Reference and Call by Value | Use of Pointer
06 SEP 2019 by
Radib Kar
Call by reference vs Call by value: In this article, we are going to learn the difference between call by reference and call value along with use of pointer in C.
C programming
MCQ | Basics/Introduction of software engineering
06 SEP 2019 by
Monika Sharma
Here, we are a set of multiple-choice questions and answers (quiz) on the introductory part of software engineering.
Software Engineering
Database Recovery Techniques | DBMS
06 SEP 2019 by
Anushree Goswami
In this tutorial, we are going to learn about the database recovery techniques like crash recovery, log-based recovery, etc in the database management system.
Precedence Graph | DBMS
06 SEP 2019 by
Anushree Goswami
DBMS precedence graph: In this tutorial, we are going to learn about the precedence graph and the algorithm for testing conflict serializability of a schedule in the database management system.
Java Math Class static double rint(double d) with example
06 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Java Math Class static double rint(double d) method: Here, we are going to learn about the static double rint(double d) method of Math Class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Math Class Methods
Java Math Class static double pow(double base , double exponent) with example
06 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Java Math Class static double pow(double base , double exponent) method: Here, we are going to learn about the static double pow(double base , double exponent) method of Math Class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Math Class Methods
Java Math Class static double min(double d1 , double d2) with example
06 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Java Math Class static double min(double d1 , double d2) method: Here, we are going to learn about the static double min(double d1 , double d2) method of Math Class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Math Class Methods
Java Math Class static float min(float f1 , float f2) with example
06 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Java Math Class static float min(float f1 , float f2) method: Here, we are going to learn about the static float min(float f1 , float f2) method of Math Class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Math Class Methods
Java Math Class static long min(long l1 , long l2) with example
06 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Java Math Class static long min(long l1 , long l2) method: Here, we are going to learn about the static long min(long l1 , long l2) method of Math Class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Math Class Methods
Java Math Class static int min(int i1 , int i2) with example
06 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Java Math Class static int min(int i1 , int i2) method: Here, we are going to learn about the static int min(int i1 , int i2) method of Math Class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Math Class Methods
Timestamp ordering protocol | DBMS
05 SEP 2019 by
Anushree Goswami
In this tutorial, we are going to learn about the timestamp ordering protocol in database management system.
Scala singleton and companion objects
05 SEP 2019 by
Shivang Yadav
Scala is an object-oriented programming language, that defines singleton and companion objects to make it's functioning easy. In this tutorial, we will learn about singleton and companion objects in Scala with working examples.
Scala programming
Java Math Class static double max(double d1,double d2) with example
05 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Java Math Class static double max(double d1,double d2) method: Here, we are going to learn about the static double max(double d1,double d2) method of Math Class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Math Class Methods
Java Math Class static float max(float f1,float f2) with example
05 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Java Math Class static float max(float f1,float f2) method: Here, we are going to learn about the static float max(float f1,float f2) method of Math Class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Math Class Methods
Java Math Class static long max(long l1,long l2) with example
05 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Java Math Class static long max(long l1,long l2) method: Here, we are going to learn about the static long max(long l1,long l2) method of Math Class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Math Class Methods
Java Math Class static int max(int i1,int i2) with example
05 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Java Math Class static int max(int i1,int i2) method: Here, we are going to learn about the static int max(int i1,int i2) method of Math Class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Math Class Methods
Method overloading in Scala
04 SEP 2019 by
Shivang Yadav
Method overloading is a way of defining multiple methods under the same name and let the program choose which to use based on the parameter list. In this tutorial, you will learn about Scala method overloading with a working example.
Scala programming
Scala constructors with examples
04 SEP 2019 by
Shivang Yadav
Constructors are the methods that are called at the time of object initialization. In this tutorial on Scala constructors, we will learn about Scala objects in detail with examples.
Scala programming
Tail Recursion in Scala
04 SEP 2019 by
Shivang Yadav
Tail recursion in Scala is a recursive method that was created to make the Classic recursion more efficient. In this tutorial on tail recursion in Scala, we will learn about tail recursion in depth along with examples.
Scala programming
Regular Expressions in Ruby
04 SEP 2019 by
Hrithik Chandra Prasad
Ruby regular expressions: Here, we are going to learn about the regular expressions, what is it, operators which are used in it with syntax and examples.
Ruby programming
Object oriented programming in Ruby
04 SEP 2019 by
Hrithik Chandra Prasad
In this tutorial, we are going to learn about the object oriented programming with its components in Ruby programming language.
Ruby programming
Ruby next statement
04 SEP 2019 by
Hrithik Chandra Prasad
next statement in Ruby: Here, we are going to learn about the next statement in Ruby programming language with syntax and example.
Ruby programming
How to convert Iterable to Collection in Java?
04 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Converting Iterable to Collection: Here, we are going to learn how to convert Iterable to Collection in Java programming language?
Java programming
Java Math Class static double log1p(double d) with example
04 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Java Math Class static double log1p(double d) method: Here, we are going to learn about the static double log1p(double d) method of Math Class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Math Class Methods
Java Math Class static double log10(double d) with example
04 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Java Math Class static double log10(double d) method: Here, we are going to learn about the static double log10(double d) method of Math Class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Math Class Methods
Java Math Class static double log(double d) with example
04 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Java Math Class static double log(double d) method: Here, we are going to learn about the static double log(double d) method of Math Class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Math Class Methods
Java Math Class static double IEEEremainder(double divi , double divisor) with example
04 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Java Math Class static double IEEEremainder(double divi , double divisor) method: Here, we are going to learn about the static double IEEEremainder(double divi , double divisor) method of Math Class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Math Class Methods
Java Math Class static double hypot(double d1, double d2) with example
04 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Java Math Class static double hypot(double d1, double d2) method: Here, we are going to learn about the static double hypot(double d1, double d2) method of Math Class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Math Class Methods
All subarray Sum of an array
02 SEP 2019 by
Radib Kar
In this article, we are going to see how to find all the subarray sums of an array? This is an interview problem can be featured in an interview round.
Interview coding problems/challenges
Arrays ICP
Why do we need Software Engineering?
02 SEP 2019 by
Monika Sharma
The need of software engineering: In this article, we are going to study the different factors which are the answer to the question: Why do we need software engineering?
Software Engineering
Some myths and realities of Software
02 SEP 2019 by
Monika Sharma
In this article, we are going to discuss the various myths that are popular among people regarding software. Here, we will not only discuss the myths regarding the software and software technologies but will also mention the realities behind those myths.
Software Engineering
The changing nature of the Software
02 SEP 2019 by
Monika Sharma
In this article, we are going to study about the changing nature of the Software and will also study why is it so?
Software Engineering
Software Characteristics
02 SEP 2019 by
Monika Sharma
Software characteristics: In this article, we are going to study the different characteristics of software. We will first list them all and then will define them in detail.
Software Engineering
What is a Software and a Software Process?
02 SEP 2019 by
Monika Sharma
Software and software process: In this article, we are going to study about the Software concerning Software Engineering. We will study what is software and what a Software Process is?
Software Engineering
Introduction to Software Engineering
02 SEP 2019 by
Monika Sharma
This article is an introduction to Software Engineering. In this article, we are going to study what is software engineering, what role the software engineering plays in software development and why do we need it?
Software Engineering
How to convert an Iterator into Iterable in Java?
02 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Converting an Iterator into Iterable: Here, we are going to learn how to convert an Iterator into Iterable in Java programming language?
Java programming
Java Math Class static int getExponent(float fl) with example
02 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Java Math Class static int getExponent(float fl) method: Here, we are going to learn about the static int getExponent(float fl) method of Math Class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Math Class Methods
Java Math Class static double cosh(double d) with example
02 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Java Math Class double cosh(double d) method: Here, we are going to learn about the double cosh(double d) method of Math Class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Math Class Methods
Java Math Class static float copySign(float f1 , float f2) with example
02 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Java Math Class float copySign(float f1 , float f2) method: Here, we are going to learn about the float copySign(float f1 , float f2) method of Math Class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Math Class Methods
Ruby program to sort an array with command line arguments
02 SEP 2019 by
Hrithik Chandra Prasad
Sorting an array in Ruby: Here, we are going to learn how to sort an array with command line arguments in Ruby programming language?
Ruby programming
Ruby programs
Ruby break statement
02 SEP 2019 by
Hrithik Chandra Prasad
break statement in Ruby: Here, we are going to learn about the break statement in Ruby programming language with syntax and example.
Ruby programming
Ruby reverse! function
02 SEP 2019 by
Hrithik Chandra Prasad
Ruby reverse! function: Here, we are going to learn about the reverse! function with example in Ruby programming language.
Ruby programming
Ruby built-in functions
Ruby reverse function
02 SEP 2019 by
Hrithik Chandra Prasad
Ruby reverse function: Here, we are going to learn about the reverse function with example in Ruby programming language.
Ruby programming
Ruby built-in functions
Equivalence of Functional Dependencies | DBMS
01 SEP 2019 by
Anushree Goswami
In this tutorial, we are going to learn about the equivalence of functional dependencies in database management system.
Thomas Write Rule in DBMS
01 SEP 2019 by
Anushree Goswami
In this tutorial, we are going to learn about the Thomas write rule in Database management system, its example, etc.
MCQ | String Manipulation Instructions in the 8086 microprocessor
01 SEP 2019 by
Monika Sharma
Multiple choice questions and answers (MCQ) based on the String Manipulation Instructions in 8086 microprocessor with 4 choices, correct answer and explanation.
Embedded Systems
8086 Microprocessor
MCQ | Procedures and Macros in 8086 Microprocessor
01 SEP 2019 by
Monika Sharma
Multiple choice questions and answers (MCQ) based on the Procedures and Macros of the 8086 microprocessor with 4 choices, correct answer and explanation.
Embedded Systems
8086 Microprocessor
MCQ | Addressing Modes in 8086 Microprocessor
01 SEP 2019 by
Monika Sharma
Multiple choice questions and answers (MCQ) based on the various addressing modes of the 8086 microprocessor with 4 choices, correct answer and explanation.
Embedded Systems
8086 Microprocessor
MCQ | 8255 PPI (Programmable peripheral interface)
01 SEP 2019 by
Monika Sharma
Multiple choice questions and answers (MCQ) on the 8255 programmable peripheral interface (PPI) with 4 choices, correct answer and explanation.
Embedded Systems
8255 IC
Ruby push() function
01 SEP 2019 by
Hrithik Chandra Prasad
Ruby push() function: Here, we are going to learn about the push() function with example in Ruby programming language.
Ruby programming
Ruby built-in functions
Ruby pop() function
01 SEP 2019 by
Hrithik Chandra Prasad
Ruby pop() function: Here, we are going to learn about the pop() function with example in Ruby programming language.
Ruby programming
Ruby built-in functions
Ruby clear() function
01 SEP 2019 by
Hrithik Chandra Prasad
Ruby clear() function: Here, we are going to learn about the clear() function with example in Ruby programming language.
Ruby programming
Ruby built-in functions
Ruby at() function
01 SEP 2019 by
Hrithik Chandra Prasad
Ruby at() function: Here, we are going to learn about the at() function with example in Ruby programming language.
Ruby programming
Ruby built-in functions
Ruby assoc() function
01 SEP 2019 by
Hrithik Chandra Prasad
Ruby assoc() function: Here, we are going to learn about the assoc() function with example in Ruby programming language.
Ruby programming
Ruby built-in functions
Java Math Class static double copySign(double d1 , double d2) with example
01 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Java Math Class double ceil(double d) method: Here, we are going to learn about the double ceil(double d) method of Math Class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Math Class Methods
Java Math Class static double ceil(double d) with example
01 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Java Math Class double ceil(double d) method: Here, we are going to learn about the double ceil(double d) method of Math Class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Math Class Methods
Java Math Class static double atan(double d) with example
01 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Java Math Class static double atan(double d) method: Here, we are going to learn about the static double atan(double d) method of Math Class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Math Class Methods
Java Math Class static double cos(double d) with example
01 SEP 2019 by
Preeti Jain
Java Math Class static double cos(double d) method: Here, we are going to learn about the static double cos(double d) method of Math Class with its syntax and example.
Java programming
Java Math Class Methods