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Leaflet Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs)

Leaflet is a JavaScript library that is used to build web-mapping applications. It is an open-source library. Leaflet supports desktop and mobile platforms. And it supports CSS3 and HTML5.

Leaflet MCQs: This section contains multiple-choice questions and answers on the various topics of Leaflet. Practice these MCQs to test and enhance your skills on Leaflet.

List of Leaflet MCQs

1. Leaflet is an open-source ____ library?

  1. JavaScript
  2. Python
  3. C++
  4. Java

Answer: A) JavaScript


Leaflet is an open-source JavaScript library.

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2. Which of the following produces a new Leaflet map object with the initial location and zoom level specified?

  1. MAP()
  2. L.map()
  3. Map.leaflet()
  4. All of the above

Answer: B) L.map()


L.map() produces a new Leaflet map object with the initial location and zoom level specified.

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3. ____ are used in rare instances to prevent Leaflet from detecting a certain browser feature, even if it exists.

  1. Leaflet general Switches
  2. Local Switches
  3. Instant Switches
  4. Global switches

Answer: D) Global switches


Global switches are used in rare instances to prevent Leaflet from detecting a certain browser feature, even if it exists.

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4. Which of the following is the foundation class for map controls?

  1. Controlling.leaflet
  2. Leaflet.controlfeatures
  3. L.control
  4. Control.L

Answer: C) L.control


L.Control is the foundation class for map controls.

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5. ____ is a unique class attribute that incorporates all specified objects into the class.

  1. Merge
  2. Include
  3. Set

Answer: B) Include


Include is a unique class attribute that incorporates all specified objects into the class.

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6. Leaflet's OOP features are powered by ____?

  1. L.oop
  2. L.class
  3. L.object

Answer: B) L.class


Leaflet's OOP features are powered by L.Class.

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7. In pixel coordinates, ____ represents a rectangular region?

  1. ShiftPixel
  2. Box
  3. Square
  4. Bounds

Answer: D) Bounds


In pixel coordinates, bounds represent a rectangular region.

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8. Does Bounds inherits from Leaflet's Class object?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Answer: B) No


It should be noted that Bounds does not derive from Leaflet's Class object.

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9. ____ represents a point with x and y coordinates in pixels?

  1. Point
  2. Dot
  3. Clear
  4. Fix

Answer: A) Point


Point Represents a point with x and y coordinates in pixels.

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10. Which of the following represents the Leaflet version?

  1. L.ver
  2. L.version
  3. L.current
  4. L.curVer

Answer: B) L.version


L.version represents the Leaflet version.

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11. You may use the ____ control to display attribution data in a tiny text box on a map.

  1. Attribution
  2. Zooming
  3. Layer
  4. Scale

Answer: A) Attribution


You may use the attribution control to display attribution data in a tiny text box on a map.

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12. ____ are DOM components that regulate the layer ordering on the map?

  1. Features
  2. Pane
  3. Layer
  4. Groups

Answer: B) Pane


Panes are DOM components that regulate the layer ordering on the map.

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13. You may add many layers to a map and manage them as a single layer by using ____?

  1. LayerCluster
  2. LayerMap
  3. LayerGroup

Answer: C) LayerGroup


You may add many layers to a map and manage them as a single layer by using a layer group.

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14. ____ is used on the map to display clickable/draggable icons?

  1. L.dragged
  2. L.tooltip
  3. L.tip
  4. L.Marker

Answer: D) L.Marker


L.Marker is used on the map to display clickable/draggable icons.

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15. ____ is Used to display little text on top of map layers.

  1. Tool
  2. SmallTool
  3. Tooltip
  4. Smalltip

Answer: C) Tooltip


The tooltip is used to display little text on top of map layers.

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16. Which of the following is used to load and display a single image over specific bounds of the map?

  1. Imagelayer
  2. Layer
  3. ImageOverlay
  4. LayerOverlay

Answer: C) ImageOverlay


ImageOverlay is used to load and display a single image over specific bounds of the map.

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17. Which of the following is used to load and show a video player within the map's borders?

  1. VideoOverlay
  2. VideoDisplay
  3. VideoMonitor

Answer: A) VideoOverlay


VideoOverlay is Used to load and show a video player within the map's borders.

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18. ____ represents a geographical point with a certain latitude and longitude?

  1. LatLang
  2. Lat.bounds
  3. LatLng
  4. LatLngBounds

Answer: C) LatLng


LatLng represents a geographical point with a certain latitude and longitude.

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19. On a map,____ represents a rectangle geographical region?

  1. Rectangle.Map
  2. Box.bounds
  3. Latboundsmap
  4. LatLngBounds

Answer: D) LatLngBounds


On a map, LatlngBounds represents a rectangle geographical region.

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20. Does points inherits from Leaflet's Class object?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Answer: B) No


Because Point does not inherit from Leaflet's Class object, new classes cannot inherit from it.

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