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Express.js Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs)

Express.js, or simply Express, is a back end web application framework for building RESTful APIs with Node.js, released as free and open-source software under the MIT License.

Express.js MCQs: This section contains multiple-choice questions and answers on the various topics of Express.js. Practice these MCQs to test and enhance your skills on Express.js.

List of Express.js MCQs

1. Express.js is a ____ framework?

  1. Node.js
  2. JavaScript
  3. React.js
  4. Angular.js

Answer: A) Node.js


Express.js is a Node.js framework.

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2. Express.js is written in which of the following language?

  1. Python
  2. Node.js
  3. JavaScript
  4. C++

Answer: C) JavaScript


Express.js is written in JavaScript.

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3. Among Express.js and Django which is faster?

  1. Django
  2. Express.js

Answer: B) Express.js


Express is significantly quicker than Django.

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4. Which of the following command is used to install Express in the myapp directory?

  1. $ npm install express
  2. $ npm install --express
  3. $ npm install --express.js

Answer: A) $ npm install express


$ npm install express command is used to install Express in the myapp directory.

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5. What does the following do, res.send()?

  1. This method specifies what to execute when a get request at the specified route is made
  2. This function binds and waits for connections on the provided host and port
  3. This method accepts an object as input and returns it to the requesting client

Answer: C) This method accepts an object as input and returns it to the requesting client.


res.send(), this method accepts an object as an input and returns it to the requesting client.

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6. What does the following do, app.listen(port, [host], [backlog], [callback]])?

  1. This method specifies what to execute when a get request at the specified route is made
  2. This function binds and waits for connections on the provided host and port
  3. This method accepts an object as input and returns it to the requesting client

Answer: B) This function binds and waits for connections on the provided host and port.


app.listen(port, [host], [backlog], [callback]]), this function binds and waits for connections on the provided host and port.

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7. Which of the following method can be used with any of the HTTP verbs: get, set, put, or delete?

  1. app.get(route, callback)
  2. res.send()
  3. app.listen(port, [host], [backlog], [callback]])
  4. app.method(path, handler)

Answer: D) app.method(path, handler)


app.method(path, handler) method can be used with any of the HTTP verbs: get, set, put, or delete.

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8. In app.method(path, handler) method, which parameter is a call back function that is executed when a matching request type is detected on the appropriate route?

  1. Path
  2. Handler

Answer: B) Handler


Handler is a callback function that is executed when a matching request type is detected on the appropriate route.

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9. In app.method(path, handler) method, which parameter, is the route at which the request will run?

  1. Path
  2. Handler

Answer: A) Path


Path is the route at which the request will run.

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10. Express provides a unique method ____ that handles all forms of HTTP methods at a specific route using the same function?

  1. Whole
  2. App
  3. All

Answer: C) All


Express provides a unique method, "all" that handles all forms of HTTP methods at a specific route using the same function.

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11. Which of the following HTTP method, are used to transmit a limited amount of data, as the data is included in the header?

  1. GET
  2. POST
  3. PUT

Answer: A) GET


GET requests are used to transmit a limited amount of data, as the data is included in the header.

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12. ____ requests are used to transmit a large amount of data, as the data is included in the body of the request?

  1. GET
  2. POST
  3. PUT

Answer: B) POST


POST requests are used to transmit a large amount of data, as the data is included in the body of the request.

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13. ____ is a templating engine for Express?

  1. Oil
  2. Master
  3. Body parser
  4. Pug

Answer: D) Pug


Pug is a templating engine for Express.

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14. To use Pug with Express do we need to install it first?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Answer: A) Yes


Yes, to use Pug first you need to install it.

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15. How do you write comments in Pug?

  1. //Hello
  2. **hello
  3. /*hello

Answer: A) //Hello


Pug uses the same syntax as JavaScript(//) for creating comments.

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16. ____ files are those that clients download directly from the server?

  1. Dynamic
  2. Component
  3. Static

Answer: C) Static


Static files are those that clients download directly from the server.

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17. ____ are little pieces of information transmitted from a website and kept in the user's web browser when the user visits that page.?

  1. Session
  2. Cookies
  3. Forms

Answer: B) Cookies


Cookies are little pieces of information transmitted from a website and kept in the user's web browser when the user visits that page.

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18. Which of the following do you need to install to acquire cookie abilities in Express.js?

  1. cookie-parser
  2. Cookie—
  3. Parser_cookie
  4. Use_cookies

Answer: A) cookie-parser


cookie-parser is installed to acquire cookie abilities in Express.js.

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19. ____ functions are those that interact with the request and response objects (req, res) during the request-response cycle?

  1. Data binding
  2. Routing
  3. Middleware

Answer: C) Middleware


Middleware functions are those that interact with the request and response objects (req, res) during the request-response cycle.

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20. ____ is the process of constructing the application's skeletal structure?

  1. Binding
  2. Scaffolding
  3. Application
  4. Dynamic Routing

Answer: B) Scaffolding


Scaffolding is the process of constructing the application's skeletal structure.

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21. Which of the following command will install the Scaffold in express.js?

  1. npm install express-scaffold
  2. npm install expressscaffolding
  3. npm install express__scaffold
  4. npm install expressjs-scaffold

Answer: A) npm install express-scaffold


npm install express-scaffold is the correct command which will install the Scaffold in express.js.

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22. ____ is the process of comparing the credentials presented to those stored in a database?

  1. Authentication
  2. Authorization

Answer: B) Authorization


Authentication is the process of comparing the credentials presented to those stored in a database.

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23. What is REST?

  1. Redirect state transfer
  2. Represent state transfer
  3. Representational Transfer State

Answer: C) Representational Transfer State


Representational Transfer State is the full form of REST.

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24. The ____ allows you to use static template files in your application?

  1. View
  2. View engine
  3. Modals
  4. Template engine

Answer: D) Template engine


The template engine allows you to use static template files in your application.

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25. ____ is used to handle errors in Express?

  1. Routes
  2. Middleware
  3. Router
  4. Controller

Answer: B) Middleware


Middleware is used to handle errors in Express.

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26. Debug is ____ by default in express.js?

  1. On
  2. Off

Answer: B) Off


Debug is off by default.

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27. Which of the following middleware is used for binding the app object with the help of the app.use() method?

  1. Application-level-middleware
  2. Router-level-middleware
  3. User level middleware
  4. Built-in-level middleware

Answer: A) Application-level-middleware


Application-level middleware is used for binding the app object with the help of the app.use() method.

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28. Which of the following router for binding with a specific Express.Router instance()?

  1. Application-level-middleware
  2. Router-level-middleware
  3. User-level middleware
  4. Built-in-level middleware

Answer: B) Router-level-middleware


Router-level-middleware for binding with a specific Express.Router instance().

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29. What is CORS in express.js?

  1. Conception origination reserve sharing
  2. Cross-origin reserve sharing
  3. Cross-origin resource sharing

Answer: C) Cross-origin resource sharing


CORS stands for Cross-origin resource sharing.

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30. Which of the following arguments are available in an Express JS route handler function?

  1. req - the request object
  2. res - the response object
  3. next
  4. All of the above

Answer: D) All of the above


Following arguments are available in an Express JS route handler function:

  • req - the request object
  • res - the response object
  • next

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31. Routing is provided by default in ____ but not provided in ____?

  1. Node.js and express.js
  2. Express.js and node.js
  3. Node.js and react.js

Answer: B) Express.js and node.js


Routing is provided by default in Express.js but not provided in Node.js.

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32. ____ is Super-fast, all-natural JSON logger express.js?

  1. Pino logger
  2. Morgan
  3. Minor
  4. Debug logger

Answer: A) Pino logger


Pino is Super-fast, all-natural JSON logger express.js.

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33. The ____ object is used to handle data sent to the server through string or JSON object?

  1. Response
  2. Request

Answer: B) Request


The request object is used to handle data sent to the server through a string or JSON object.

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34. The data is returned to the client via the ____ object?

  1. Response
  2. Request

Answer: A) Response


The data is returned to the client via the response object.

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35. Sessions are saved on the ____ side?

  1. Server
  2. Client

Answer: A) Server


Sessions are saved on the server side.

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36. Cookies are saved on the ____ side?

  1. Server
  2. Client

Answer: B) Client


Cookies are saved on the client side.

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37. Which of the following are third-party middleware?

  1. Body-parser
  2. Cookie-parser
  3. Mongoose
  4. Sequelize
  5. All of the above

Answer: E) All of the above


Following are the third-party middleware:

  • Body-parser
  • Cookie-parser
  • Mongoose
  • Sequelize

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38. HTTP is stateless or stateful?

  1. Stateless
  2. Stateful

Answer: A) Stateless


HTTP is stateless.

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39. Does Express.js supports both RDBMS and NoSQL DB?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Answer: A) Yes


Yes, Express.js supports both RDBMS and NoSQL DB.

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40. Which of the following companies are using Express.js?

  1. Twitter
  2. Accenture
  3. Stack
  4. Kevin
  5. All of the above

Answer: E) All of the above


Following companies are using express.js:

  • Twitter
  • Accenture
  • Stack
  • Kevin

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41. Which of the following are the alternatives of Express.js?

  1. Ember JS
  2. BackboneJS
  3. Vue JS
  4. Knockout JS
  5. All of the above

Answer: E) All of the above


Following are the alternatives of express.js:

  • Ember JS
  • BackboneJS
  • Vue JS
  • Knockout JS

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