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Oracle Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs)

Oracle Database is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) developed by Oracle Corporation. Alternatively, it is called OracleDB. Lawrence Ellison and other engineers came up with the idea in 1977.

Oracle MCQs: This section contains the multiple-choice questions and answers on various Oracle topics such as Tables, Views, Query, Clauses, Operators, Joins, etc. These Oracle MCQs are helpful for beginners who want to understand the Oracle from the basics. Practice these MCQs to enhance and test the knowledge of Oracle.

Oracle Multiple-Choice Questions Index

  1. Oracle Overview, Introduction Multiple-Choice Questions
  2. Oracle Tables Multiple-Choice Questions
  3. Oracle Views Multiple-Choice Questions
  4. Oracle Queries Multiple-Choice Questions
  5. Oracle Clauses Multiple-Choice Questions
  6. Oracle Operators Multiple-Choice Questions
  7. Oracle Joins Multiple-Choice Questions
  8. Oracle Inner, Outer, Equi, and Self Joins Multiple-Choice Questions
  9. Oracle Cross, Anti, and Semi Joins Multiple-Choice Questions
  10. Oracle Cursor Multiple-Choice Questions
  11. Oracle Functions Multiple-Choice Questions
  12. Oracle Procedure Multiple-Choice Questions
  13. Oracle Trigger Multiple-Choice Questions
  14. Oracle Comparison Operators Multiple-Choice Questions
  15. Oracle Aliases Multiple-Choice Questions
  16. Oracle AND & OR Operators Multiple-Choice Questions
  17. Oracle BETWEEN Operator Multiple-Choice Questions
  18. Oracle Intersect and Minus Operators Multiple-Choice Questions
  19. Oracle NOT and OR Conditions Multiple-Choice Questions
  20. Oracle IS NULL and IS NOT NULL Multiple-Choice Questions
  21. Oracle IN and EXISTS Multiple-Choice Questions
  22. Oracle LIKE Condition Multiple-Choice Questions
  23. Oracle Subqueries, TRUNCATE TABLE, and WHERE Clause Multiple-Choice Questions
  24. Oracle Change Password, Check Constraints, Comments, and Primary Key Multiple-Choice Questions

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