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Which of the following is a/the disadvantage(s) of online marketing?

38. Which of the following is a/the disadvantage(s) of online marketing?

  1. A more qualified and knowledgeable workforce is needed for online marketing.
  2. By using social media websites, you can view the complaints and feedback of your customers in Online Marketing.
  3. In order to purchase products and services online, you need a high-speed internet connection. If you do not have one, then you cannot do so.
  4. All of the above

Answer: D) All of the above


The following are the disadvantages of online marketing -

  1. A more qualified and knowledgeable workforce is needed for online marketing.
  2. By using social media websites, you can view the complaints and feedback of your customers in Online Marketing.
  3. In order to purchase products and services online, you need a high-speed internet connection. If you do not have one, then you cannot do so.

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