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Class 12 Political Science Chapter Wise MCQs

This section contains the multiple-choice questions with answers on Class 12 Political Science. These MCQs may help you to understand and check your knowledge about the chapters. Each question has four options followed by the right answer with explanation. The questions were made to clear the topic in-depth and covered all your points for further preparations. So go through each question to gain good knowledge and marks.

Class 12 Political Science | Contemporary World Politics MCQs

  1. The Cold War Era – Class 12 Political Science MCQs
  2. The End of Bipolarity – Class 12 Political Science MCQs
  3. US Hegemony in World Politics – Class 12 Political Science MCQs
  4. Alternative Centres of Power – Class 12 Political Science MCQs
  5. Contemporary South Asia – Class 12 Political Science MCQs
  6. International Organisations – Class 12 Political Science MCQs
  7. Security in the Contemporary World – Class 12 Political Science MCQs
  8. Environment and Natural Resources – Class 12 Political Science MCQs
  9. Globalisation – Class 12 Political Science MCQs

Class 12 Political Science | Politics in India Since Independence MCQs

  1. Challenges of Nation Building – Class 12 Political Science MCQs
  2. Era of One Party Dominance – Class 12 Political Science MCQs
  3. Politics of Planned Development – Class 12 Political Science MCQs
  4. India's External Relations – Class 12 Political Science MCQs
  5. Challenges to and Restoration of Congress System – Class 12 Political Science MCQs
  6. Crisis of Democratic Order – Class 12 Political Science MCQs
  7. Rise of Popular Movements – Class 12 Political Science MCQs
  8. Regional Aspirations – Class 12 Political Science MCQs
  9. Recent Developments in Indian Politics – Class 12 Political Science MCQs

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