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String() function with example in JavaScript

JavaScript String() function: Here, we are going to learn about the String() function with Example in JavaScript.
Submitted by IncludeHelp, on February 02, 2019

JavaScript String() function

String() function is a predefined global function in JavaScript, it is used to convert an object to the string.


In this example, we are going to convert different object’s values to the string.

<title>JavaScipt Example</title>

		var a = "10";	
		var b = "10 20";
		var c = "1234 Hello";
		var d = "Hello 1234";
		var e = true;	
		var f = new Date();
		//converting values to string using String() function
		document.write("String(a) = " + String(a) + "<br>");
		document.write("String(b) = " + String(b) + "<br>");
		document.write("String(c) = " + String(c) + "<br>");
		document.write("String(d) = " + String(d) + "<br>");
		document.write("String(e) = " + String(e) + "<br>");
		document.write("String(f) = " + String(f) + "<br>");


String(a) = 10
String(b) = 10 20
String(c) = 1234 Hello
String(d) = Hello 1234
String(e) = true
String(f) = Sat Feb 02 2019 23:03:12 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)

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