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JavaScript delete Operator (With Example)

JavaScript delete Operator: In this tutorial, we will learn about the delete operator in JavaScript with its syntax, return type, and examples. By IncludeHelp Last updated : July 29, 2023

JavaScript delete Operator

In JavaScript, the delete operator is used to delete a property of an object. This operator accepts a property. After deleting the property if you try to access it, undefined will return.


Below is the syntax of JavaScript delete operator:

delete object.property
delete object[property]


  • object.property/object[property] - This operator accepts the property of an object to be deleted.

Return Value

The delete operator returns "true", it returns "false" when the property is an own non-configurable.


This example demonstrates the use of JavaScript delete property.

    <title>JavaScipt Example</title>
      var employee = {
      	name: "Amit shukla",
      	age: 21,
      	city: "Gwalior",
      	Country: "India"
      //printing the object
      document.write("Printing employee details...<br>");
      document.write("Name: " + employee.name + "<br/>");
      document.write("Age: " + employee.age + "<br/>");
      document.write("City: " + employee.city + "<br/>");
      document.write("Country: " + employee.Country + "<br/>");
      //deleting properties age & city
      delete employee.age;
      delete employee.city;
      document.write("Printing employee details after delete...<br>");
      document.write("Name: " + employee.name + "<br/>");
      document.write("Age: " + employee.age + "<br/>");
      document.write("City: " + employee.city + "<br/>");
      document.write("Country: " + employee.Country + "<br/>");		


The output of the above example is:

Printing employee details...
Name: Amit shukla
Age: 21
City: Gwalior
Country: India

Printing employee details after delete...
Name: Amit shukla
Age: undefined
City: undefined
Country: India

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