Email Jargons, Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Full Forms

Here is the list of Email Jargons, Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Full Forms,

Acronym Full form
^5 High Five!
1L One Liner
411 Information
2nite Tonight
4ever Forever
AAS Alive And Smiling
AB Action By
ADBB All Done Bye Bye
AEAP As Early As Possible
ASAP As Soon As Possible
AWHFY Are We Having Fun Yet?
AYPI And Your Point Is
B4 B4: Before
BBIAB Be Back In A Bit
BBIAF Be Back In A Few
BBIAM Be Back In A Minute
BBL Be Back Later
BCNU Be Seein' You
BEG Big Evil Grin
BFN Bye For Now
BG BG: Big Grin
COP / EOP Close Of Play / End Of Play
CUL8R See You Later
CTA Call To Action
CWC Change in Working Conditions
DUR? Do You Remember?
EOD End Of Day
EOM End Of Message
FAO For the Attention Of
FW Forward
FYA For Your Action
FYFG For Your Future Guidance
FYG For Your Guidance
FYR For Your Reference
FYSA For Your Situational Awareness
GM Good Morning
GMTA Great Minds Think Alike
GN Good Night
HHO 1/2 K Ha Ha, Only Half Kidding
HTH HTH: Hope This (That) Helps
J4F Just For Fun
JK Just Kidding
KISS Keep It Simple, Stupid
L8ER Later
L8R Later
LET Leaving Early Today
LF Looking For
LTNS Long Time No See
MIA Missing In Action
MHOTY My Hat's Off To You
MTFBWU May The Force Be With You
NFC No Further Comment
NIM No Internal Message
NM No Message
NMP Not My Problem
NNTO No Need To Open
NNTR No Need To Respond
NONB Non-Business
NRN No Reply Necessary
NTM Not To Mention
NRR No Reply Requested / No Reply Required
NT No Text
NWR Not Work Related
NYR Need Your Response
NYR-NBD Need Your Response – Next Business Day
NYRQ Need Your Response Quick
NYRT Need Your Response Today
OBTW Oh, By The Way
OoO Out of Office
PYR Per Your Request
OT Off Topic
QL QL: Quit Laughing!
QUE Questions
P&C Private & Confidential
P-ZA Pizza
RB Reply By
RLB Read Later
ROTFL Rolling On The Floor Laughing
RR Reply Requested
RTM Read The Manual
RUOK Are You Okay?
SITD Still In The Dark
SIM Subject In Message
SSIA Subject Says It All
TC Take Care
TBF To Be Forwarded or To Be Fair / Frank
TAFN That's All For Now
TIA Thanks In Advance
TLTR Too Long To Read
T+ Think Positive
TTFN TTFN: Ta Ta For Now
UDA Urgent Document Attached
VSRE Very Short Reply Expected
WB Welcome Back
WEG Wicked Evil Grin
WFH From Home / Working From Home
WFM Works For Me
WTG Way To Go!
Y/N Yes/No
YYSSW Yeah Yeah Sure Sure Whatever
ZZZ Sleeping, Bored, Tired

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